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Furia and I rounded the corner of Savannah's day care,her big round cheeks bulging as she smiled and ran towards Furia,hugging his knees with a giggle," Fudiii!!" He smiled at the girl as he picked her up,holding her so her arms were wrapped around his neck and she was sitting on his arms,
"Chica,it's so nice to see you again awwwn my baby's all grown up,can't even fit your head under mine anymore," he was right,she was getting too old for her favourite spot,and they'd soon have to figure out a new one.
I watched as they laughed merrily as she mushed his cheeks and he made blabbering sounds,amusing my sister.

Just as I finished signing her out,Mist popped out with a cute baby boy who had his hands tangled in the older boy's hair,making his face scrunch up as he adjusted the kid in his hands and pulled the diaper bag up to his shoulder.
"Melanie! Ain't a boy glad to see you,hold this little rugrat for me" I reached out,the baby practically throwing himself into my arms as he tugged at Mist's hair in the process.

"Aww ain't you a cute one? Why your daddy gotta act like you bite?" Mist held his hands up to the sky dramatically as he shook his head,"ohh nah uh girl,ain't no way my baby'a be this ugly,he mean too! This Frost baby,not mines" he explained as we walked towards the two who were so preoccupied,they prolly hadn't even noticed I was gone a second too long.

"Hey Furia,this my friend,Mist." He turned around with a mean stare,eyes immediately softening as they met Mist,and he smirked so evilly I thought I was seeing things.
"Ayy señor,nice to meet you,I'm Furia,but you could call me daddy"
He made a biting gesture and my cheeks flushed red,hands sweating as I tried not to laugh- Mist turned slowly to look at me,then grinned at my cousin with a certain apprehension,
"Hi Furia,nice to meet you too...y'all walking?cause I could drive you home if you wouldn't mind."

I watched Furia and Mist steal glances at each other, Mist blushing profusely as he turned to look at the road,and I choked on my spit as I tried not to laugh.

That night found us at a college party with Mist and Frost's car doors open,liquor in the back of Frost's car while music played from Mist's red whip. We had a girl with us,pretty petite little thing with big doe eyes and long hair...I'd seen her with Kyrie before,and they looked pretty comfy.
But she was looking at me like a damn snack,biting her lips and fluttering her lashes,I think she was drunk...

"Hey Mist,come show me where the bathroom's at," Furia curled his finger,and Mist hopped onto his feet,stumbling to his side as Furia dwarfed him. I saw all the guys look at them confused,and Devon shook his head as he leaned into his chair and mumbled, I'm not even Gunna ask.

Right, Devon. He suddenly popped up with the guys today,smiling and greeting everybody like he hadn't just disappeared from my life for weeks and left me broken,nigga hadn't even said shit to me...but it was aight,i guess.

Pretty lady moved to sit in my lap,facing the crowd where Shadow and Midnight were dancing-shit looked like a Wu-Tang clan music video-and we laughed as Shadow mugged Midnight for spilling purple juice on his white vest.

"Ayee ma wassup?"
"I'm tired of standing," she mumbled sleepily,laying her head on my shoulder as she drank from her cup,and I puffed weed smoke into her face with a sly grin,shaking my head as I took another pull from the blunt.

We weren't sitting too far from the gate,so we could see everybody that drove in and out of the yard and Devon groaned when he saw Kyrie walk in,
"Well if it ain't Mels bitch ass nigga," I rolled my eyes,laughing lightly as I kicked the foot of his chair causing him to fall back. The group laughed,and I could feel his smirk as he said, "ain't even gon front,imma just lie here till we leave."
"Tsk,your ass just laaaaazy." now that Kyrie was here,my attention was captured,and I ran my hand over my red hair,hand lazily resting on pretty girl's thighs as I watched him power walk past us with two girls beside him,I felt sick.

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