puppy love

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After Hakeem's visit,I didn't see him at school for a while and just figured he was working extra time to pay for Storm's medical bill-whatever it is that he had. That kid was always getting his ass whopped too much by his daddy,he must've broken a bone then.
Valentine's Day rolled by pretty fast and before I even realised it,Imaani was doing her annual 'love shopping' for Bobby. This time was different though because even though they didn't know who was 'leaving his mark on me' as Ju Young would lightly put it- Imaani had pulled up at my house first thing in the morning to get me for a 'school project.'
"Uh huh,you know you ain't never known how to lie to me baby,where you taking her?" She almost smirked as Imaani fumbled to keep her composure, "Like I've already said ma, we're just going over to the park to do a science project."
"Alright alright,don't buy Bobby those matching socks I saw at Walmart" Imaani's jaw hung open at my mom's coy remark,she gave me the how the hell does she know Bobby look and I just laughed and followed her out.
It was oddly blazing outside for a February in New York and my skin was already shrinking from the exposure.
We went to a couple of stores,all of which were either decorated a bright red,pink or white and had I come here a year ago,I would've spent the whole time fake gagging at the theme. It felt right this time,like I was finally in a good enough space in my life to simply love and be loved,to see all these colours and think of someone romantically.
"Sooo,what's the Hickey man like?"
"Imaani! My auntTee could hear you"I scolded,grabbing her by the elbow towards a row of Avon  nail enamels in the other aisle.
"What?I'm just asking...nail polish? Mel- are you GAY??" She gasped,pulling her elbow from mine to put both her palms over the pout of her mouth and  had I been drinking milk right now,it would've come out through the nose!
"No no! He  uses black and white nail polish."
"Oh so he's gay?" I gawked, dumbfounded that she somehow thought he was gay even though he was dating me- I surround myself with idiots sometimes.
People say I'm crazy,wait till they meet my friends.
"I-I-I just...I'm speechless."
She laughed and smacked my shoulder playfully,leading me around the shop while she bought multiple watches and bracelets for her man of 2 years,never once missing an opportunity to make him feel loved. She'd even bought shaving cream,all the while I silently took notes on what to buy and what not to buy for men.
Valentine's Day was on a Monday and the reddish-blue marks on my skin were finally gone.
For the first time in months I could wear my red baseball shirt over a white turtle neck,a white tennis skirt and my J23's.
I left my hair down so my reddish brown curls could bounce freely without the restraint of the scrunchie I always had my hair in,it was time to breathe. That morning,I threw the black gift bag I'd been hiding in multiple places all around the house out my bedroom window,and it landed with a quiet thud on the front yard. I rushed down the stairs,past my little sister who was having a temper tantrum over having nothing to wear in the hallway,into the kitchen and over to the fridge. I grabbed an apple and I was out the door in a second. I picked up my small gift bag and ran to catch the 6:30 bus to school.
The first 3hours of school were spent preparing for the mini Valentine's Day concert we were hosting and having a few arguments with teachers here and there.
I still hadn't seen him and that left an uncomfortable,unsettling black hole in my stomach,I didn't feel too good.
I nervously ran my hand along the moles that had formed along the inside of my thighs, picking a few at the possibility of him not coming to school.
As always,Imaani and Bobby grabbed all the attention of the school kids with their excessive gift giving and unnecessary screaming how much they loved each other,everybody knew for God's sake!
"Jealous?" I almost screamed as  Ju Young grabbed my shoulder to get my attention,before sitting on the chair beside me at mass hall,we were having the concert here.
I spotted Kyrie across the room,taking pictures of people with his Polaroid camera and his iPhone,he smiled at everyone he interacted with,even the girls and that unnerved me-what if they thought this was their chance to sink their claws into him?
"Where's the Hickey man?"
All my other friends sat around me and I almost shrunk into my seat,I never liked too much attention.
"Maybe she made him up?" Shekinah piped in and it made everyone laugh,everyone except me because they may not know,but Kyrie was standing right across the hall and I'd felt his eyes on me occasionally.
" I did not,you'll see him after the concert... actually fuck that,I don't owe yall my boyfriend-go get your own and get off my case." I said rather harshly,only recoiling after I had said it.
"You guys need to leave her alone.and I know he exists,she bought him a present with me on Saturday...although I still find it odd that he wears nail polish." Imaani came to my defense,even going as far as wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
"Lil'mama" Kyrie popped up from behind me,grabbing my waist to turn me around and I grinned at him,"hey,I've missed you."
"Yeah me too,I was actually gonna call you this morning, but I was afraid you were asleep."
"Tehehe I sleep a lot don't I?"
"You sure do,have you been eating well?"
"Uh huh,I got you something."
His eyes spark with curiousity as he looks over me,then over the package in my hand and he grins instantly,his cheek dimpling at the effect and I stare with my lips slightly parted, curiously watching him go through the package of hair products,nail polish,tees,sweaters and bracelets.
His chipped teeth made his smile seem childlike,the complete opposite of what he actually was and he just mumbled a few things before a look of sadness came over his features. "What's wrong?"
"It's just- I've never had a girl be nice enough to buy me something,even for my birthday... And I didn't even buy you anything." He seemed genuinely concerned about this,so I grabbed the back of his neck and brought his lips onto mine.
Bold of me to even initiate my first kiss,I didn't even know what to do but as my lips moulded onto his, ecstasy came over me and all I could feel were his hands around my waist and the hard structure of his torso pressed gently against mine.
We pulled away from the kiss and my cheeks were flushed when I heard a camera click and Shekinah stood there with Kyrie's camera in hand,waving at me with mischief laced in her eyes.
"Wow... you're- damn girl!" He kinda holla'd and I snorted,laughing at his reaction.
We sat behind the school talking for hours and after that,he walked me to the bus stop.
"You have a bank account?"
"Well text me your banking details when you get home,bye."
"I love you" I blurted out,and he grabbed my waist before kissing my forehead.

That night before I slept,I got a bank notification that 500 dollars had been deposited into my account.
Kyrie: goodnight love,happy Valentine's day

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