18|furia ardiente

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My cousin stood proudly at 7'2,his thick black curls bouncing around his head like ping pongs, nose straight,eyes dark swirling brown,jaw angular and peppered with facial hair.
He looked-older...
"Furia Ardiente Ramirez!"
"Melanie Dolores Wynters!"
I ran into his arms,his hand patting my head as he grinned at me and I almost cried because I'd missed him sooo much!
I hadn't seen my cousin in years,and to add to it,I'd lost his number.
"You've grown so much Dolores,you're not even fat anymore. I like this hairstyle on you"
"Gracias, mi amigo helped with it." He pulled me to his side as he put his bag down, taking his gun out to point it at Kyrie- the boy was trembling as he raised his hands,
"Fuck is you?and what are you doing in my tio's car?"
He slammed the door as he said that,hands trembling with blazing fury-
Furia Ardiente,his parents always knew he was the furious one,that's why they named him that. I liked the way his name rolled off his tongue when he said it,like syrup off pancakes,
Like tears off my face,
Or like butterflies taking their first flight off the day,it glided.
"Wait!no don't hurt him- he's my...he's my friend."
"Nah y'all gotta be fuckin wimme cause I know this ain't tio's car I'm standing Infront of when y'all told me it was stolen! Who is you nigga?"
"You heard what Dolores said, I'm her friend," his words were dripping with venom,and his body swayed almost weightlessly,
Like Ichigo when he unlocked his bankai,like he couldn't believe I didn't call him anything but that,my friend.
"Don't call her that" Furia shoved him back by the shoulder,and he kept swaying in the wind.
I stepped Infront of him,snatching the gun from him and holding it behind me.
"He's cool,I promise...just let him go home."
"Ayt...but you're telling me what the fuck is happening here. You've even got the fuckin keys!"
I looked back at Kyrie one last time as he left my yard,mumbling profusely as he ran his hand through his disheveled hair,and he gave me a glance that screamed pissed.

Furia walked into my room with a bucket of Papi Huancho's chilli cheese chicken nuggets and he threw himself onto the carpet and lay on his stomach as I lay down beside him with my leg wrapped around his knee,
"Ohh snap I ain't had these since Mama Lou died,soul food!"
He watched me eat for a second,then sucked his teeth as he raised a brow at me,
"You really a make me ask again?"
"Nah nah gimme a sec!" I ate half of the bucket real quick,then crossed my arm under my head while the other rested on my chest.
"Hmm let me see...nigga's Kyrie,my 'boyfriend' and- well his uncle steals cars,big deal. He ain't know this my Papi's ride till he picked me up and I fought him bout it,he was just leaving when you came,and he was leaving the keys wimme-"
"You date thugs now! Melanie that's not how tia and tio raised you,have some respect!and why you ain't told me you knew who took the car!?I woulda rocked him shit and took the car back!" He exclaimed,banging his fist on my carpet as fury swelled in his eyes.
"Ayee mack bro! I got the car back!"
I smacked him on the back,and he cackled humourlessly as he grabbed my head and turned to look at me,
"What?you fucked him for it?"
"Mierda,fuck no! don't start wimme!just because you be dickridin to make a living don't mean I do too!" I shoved him back,standing up to grab my packet of sativa off the side table.
"Fuck Melanie,I knew I'd get mocked for being gay,but I wasn't expecting it from you! I'm just asking cause I'm concerned about you,Mel. I know you'on go to school no mo,and you look like shit right now-
I just...I need you to take it slow,don't go running after death."
I rolled my eyes,throwing a middle finger at him as I rolled the blunt and lifted the lighter.
I rolled up a towel and put it at the bottom of the door,opening my windows and sitting with my back to it as I smoked.
He took out his own blunt,pulling his hair into a messy bun as he took a long inhale,
I didn't know he smoked.
We sat in silence as I wondered what I'd say to my parents when they got home, because the car was here now and I couldn't trust Furia to back me up,
And I was terrible at coming up with believable lies when I got high,
Maybe smoking right now wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Just let me die Furia,I've disappointed y'all enough anyway."

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