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Y/N is sitting in Suna's car with the AC on blast. Kita is in the back and everyone else is taking their break, going to get more things such as umbrellas to put up to block them from the heat.

Ren and two others went on the supply mission as other talked in their cars to avoid the heat. Some lingered around outside to smoke.

Osamu is still outside, never breaking eye contact from his brother. He didn't know how to feel. Seeing Y/N risk herself to get Atsumu back made him feel happy and selfish.

Osamu raised his hand and waved at Atsumu, who waved back with a smile.

"I'm coming bro!" Atsumu shouts. Osamu smiles, holding his tears back.

"I'm..." he cleared his throat and spoke again. "I'm still waiting asshole!"

Atsumu grinned before sadness set in. Kenma acknowledged their exchanged but said nothing.

"Ugh I'm tired of waiting." Angel complains.

"It's been five minutes." He reminds her.

"That's too long." She argues.

"It's hot, Angel. Please be quiet."

"Tch, whatever. And I saw you with your mouth shut. For the past two fights you didn't make a noise to cheer on glasses and Aone. I know it's because you like her." She calls out.

Atsumu glanced between Angel and Kenma on curiosity.

Kenma got up from the truck and grabbed her by the upper arm. She tried to wiggle out of his grip but he held her arm tightly as he shoved past everyone to get to the car he came in.

He's horny.

Kenma opened the car door and shoved her inside, closing the door shut as he pranced on the driver side on speed. Angel huffed and crossed her arms.

Kenma joined her in the car seconds later and took out his keys, placing it in the ignition and starting the car, turning the AC on. He left his door open to allow some air to flow inside as the AC cooled.

"This is so fucking stupid." She mutters.

"What is your problem? Huh?"

"Don't talk to me Kenma." She says on the verge of tears. He exhales and closed the door.

"Where have you been for the past month? Hm?"

That's right during the last month of preparations she disappeared. He tried calling her a multitude of times but she never answered and this is surprisingly his first time seeing her.

"I already told you, I was out with friends." She answers.

"Bullshit Angel. You think I'm fucking stupid? Hm?"

"Just leave me alone Kenma!" She screams opening the car door. Kenma pulled her back in and closed the door shut, locking them afterwards.

"Tell me where you been."

"Nowhere." She sobs.

"Angel I swear to God if you-

"I was looking for Terushima okay!" Now she's crying harder than before. That statement caught Kenma off guard.

"Why were you looking for him?"

She sobs, shaking her head.

"Why were you looking for him?" He repeats.

"What did you do to him?" She sniffles, getting a good look at Kenma. "I know Terushima isn't on vacation like you said he is. I know you did something to him Kenma."

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now