Context Chapter

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•[So Be It]•

A week after the speed chase

The Deadend


"Here." Suna passed Y/N a cold beer. She glanced at it and shook her head. She had just gotten from The Range with Akagi twenty minutes ago.

Her arms are sore and she can still smell the gunpowder from the bullets. She just wants to go home and rest. It's honestly surprised her to how she hadn't phoned the cops as yet.

"You sure? I got chips, soda, poky-

"I just want to go home and sleep." She cuts in. Suna picked her up later than he did the first time she started her training with Akagi.

First it was around ten, then around eleven, then, twelve and now two?! In the morning?!

Y/N exhaled heavily. "Why'd you buy all of those stuff anyways? I already told I'm not going to eat anything you buy for me because-

"I'm hungry." He simply answers.

Suna had something to smoke before he had picked Y/N up. He decided to make a pit stop at the gas station to get a few snacks and ease his hunger.

"Hmp, I see more beer and alcohol than I do food." She says, picking up a cold bottle of Tequila and glancing at the bottle of vodka that's in the bag with the rest of the canned beer and energy drinks.

He exhales, snatching the bottle from her hand. "That's for later." He answers. Suna sat straight and popped open a can of monster before he pulled out of the gas station parking lot.

"You should know that drinking and driving is dangerous." She complains with her arms crossed. Suna shrugged, gargling it down in nearly five seconds. He crushed the can and reached for another one.

"Are you serious?" She asks in disbelief. Suna shrugged once more.

"They taste good. And I'm also thirsty."

"Unbelievable, you went into the store bought a few cans of soda, the rest being liquor and didn't even get water, and suddenly you're thirsty?"

Suna rolled his eyes. "At least wait until you stop the car and then drink. I don't want you getting drunk behind this wheel and end up crashing in the process because I will not be here to help rescue you."

Suna got tired of her mumbling and took a sharp right. The tires screeched and Y/N clutched her seatbelt due to the sudden speed.

"Are you crazy?! You could've gotten us killed or something!" She says in a panic. She could feel her heart thumping rapidly against her chest. Y/N exhaled heavily as she tried to control her breathing.

"He's insane." She says to herself. "You insane bastard! You let me out if this stupid car right now, i-"

Suna came to an abrupt halt and placed his hand in front of Y/N to stop her from propelling forward. She exhaled heavily as she stared at him.

Suna placed the car in park and grabbed a can, tossing it to her. "Shut up and relax yourself." He utters. Y/N caught the can and glared at him. Y/N exhaled and sat back in her seat. Her eyes ventured outside and noticed that they're parked in a deadend.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now