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Y/N was feeling antsy after her talk with Tendou. She did more research on some of the people from the different districts and checked to see if they had any outstanding with the law. Nothing much came up on them, but she saved the best for last. Suna and Kozume.

She practically went study mode when it came to those two. The only thing she found on Suna was that he got house arrest one time...and that information was from Atsumu, not the internet.

Kozume however had a clean resume until as of recent when he got busted with drugs and guns. Not only that he was going over the speed limit. Who knows how long he'd be in prison for. She wants to know more about him better yet, she wants to meet him.

She wants to know why he's so feared and praised at the same time. She stares at the different photos she got to get from Google on his arrest.

His hair dangled over his eyes and he looked bored. No, he looked like he didn't care what was happening.

Y/N then went to YouTube to see if she could find his court hearings but only got other content creators talking about his arrest. Y/N soon found herself watching almost every video about Kozume.

After an hour she decided to call it quits.

Y/N took out her phone and decided to finally call Suna over. She knows they're friendship is shifting to the rocky side of things, but she's using her curiosity as an excuse to even be near him.

Suna, who was having a drive around the city, picked up on the third ring.

"H-hello?" His voice radiated a bit of anxiousness. She could sense it through the phone. They haven't properly held a conversation as of late and it was getting to him. Hence why he took a drive around to clear his head.

"Suna umm...c-can you come over? I want to talk." She said. Y/N didn't want it too seem like an out of the blue thing especially after leaving with Tendou. If she brings up the whole Dolly situation so quickly she's sure to get an unsatisfied response from Suna.

"Sure, I was driving around your area anyways so I should be there in about two minutes tops."

"I-I'll see you then." She hung up before he could tell her bye. Suna threw his phone in the passenger seat and did a U-Turn. His tires screeched below him and he shift gears, wanting to get there fast. He was actually contemplating on calling her a little while ago but hadn't thought of anything to say to her.

Y/N prepared herself. She was actually pretty scared since she doesn't know how he'd react to her telling how she knows about the Section and about Dolly and her death. She's nervous. Super nervous. Y/N paced her living room floor as she anxiously waited for Suna to show.

"Crap this is a shitty idea. I should've waited for a week or something. Dammit." She scowls. "It's okay, it's fine just don't push him the wrong way and you won't get a bullet to the arm again." Y/N dropped to her knees and screamed into a couch pillow. She was fine with it at first but now she's dreading it.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now