Spending The Day With Him - Lucifer

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To say you were having a rough week was a huge understatement. Nothing had been going your way. In fact it was a shit show, to say the least. No matter what you did or what you tried nothing was going right & to be honest it was starting to get on your nerves & wear you down. So you had just chosen to pack your duffle bag & make a little trip down to hell to visit your boyfriend. You mainly just wanted to get away from everything & knew that he'd be able to help take your mind off things. Not to mention how you knew he secretly loved it when you decided to stop in & stay with him for a while. Lucifer had been in sitting on his throne rather bored but perked up once he saw you come through the doors. He was quick to kick out everyone in the room & asked what had brought you here. As soon as he was able to take in your tired form he was able to tell that you'd been having a rather hard time. He gently picked you up & carried you back over to his throne. You were quick to cuddle into him wanting nothing more than to just enjoy his presence. He didn't push you to talk about anything. You knew though that if you did wanna talk he was there to lend an ear while you vented your heart out. But for now he just let you do your own thing & if that just meant having a simple cuddle session he wasn't gunna say no to that. Plus to him, it sure beat sitting through another boring meeting wishing he was anywhere else. So he just let you stay there for as long as you wanted while every once in a while he'd drawn patterns on the back of your hands or arms.

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