He Finds His GF'S Journal

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You had recently been keeping a journal because you decided that it was a better option than to just keep a majority of your emotions bottled up since you were still getting used to talking about them to your sweetheart Sammy. You knew that he'd always be there for you, but you also knew that he had his own stuff he was dealing with & didn't wanna always bother him with stuff. So for you keeping a journal was just easier for when he was away or busy with something or you just didn't wanna bother him with something small. You were currently out with Dean picking up some food for the three of you while Sam stayed back at the motel catching up on some research. Before you left you told him how you brought along a lore book that you thought might come in handy & told him he could just grab it from your bag whenever. But what he didn't expect was to find a journal in your bag. He couldn't help but skim through some of the pages quickly noting how it was your own personal journal that contained some of your most deepest & darkest emotions. He couldn't help the pang in his chest when he kept noticing the one common factor in almost all of your entries "I didn't wanna bother Sam with this because I feel like he'd think that it's stupid." He made a mental note that later he was gunna pull you aside & let you know that you could always come to him for anything no matter how small something seemed to you. He made sure to put your journal back where he found it & quickly grabbed the lore book since he knew you could walk back in that door any minute & catch him red-handed which was something he didn't want to happen. So after you & Dean came back with dinner he made sure to just act like everything was fine, until he pulled you aside after dinner & told you how he stumbled across your journal & he couldn't help but flip through some pages out of curiosity. But he also told you how you never had to be worried or scared to come for him for anything & he meant anything even if it seemed small. He just wanted to be able to be there for you because he did care about you.

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