Are You Okay Prompt - Crowley

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You tuned out the conversation that was going on around you as you leaned your head on the window next to you. Watching the changing landscape going by you. Dean & Sam were sat in the front of the Impala while you had the backseat to yourself. You'd just finished a rather exhausting hunt & all you wanted to do was go home take a nice shower & sleep in your own bed. You were in your own little world letting your mind wander while your eyes were transfixed on the world passing outside the window of the car. You were only pulled from your own little world when you heard a "Hello darling." Whispered into your ear. You felt a tingle go down your spine & felt goosebumps form on your body. Turning you came face to face with Crowley. The only man who'd managed to make his way into your heart & carve out a forever home in it. You smiled back at him & whispered a "Hello" in response. You rested your head against his shoulder as you closed your eyes in bliss. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. You opened your eyes & looked up at him. "Yeah, I'm okay just this last hunt took a lot out of me so I'm just exhausted both physically & mentally. Well, especially mentally thanks to those two." You let out a quiet laugh as you pointed to the two brothers who seemed to be having quite the debate about something. "Well rest pet & I'll wake you when we get back to the bunker." He said while placing a loving kiss to your forehead. You let out a quiet hum before closing your eyes again. Before you drifted off you felt something warm being draped over you, but you chose not to question it mainly because you were too tired too. But when you did wake up you found yourself back in your own bed & turning you saw Crowley laid next to you with a look of contentment on his face. Snuggling closer to him you allowed yourself to be pulled back into your slumber.

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