He Finds His GF Practicing Witchcraft - Gadreel

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You had been in the privacy of your own room. You had just recently got back from a hunt & did have some cute & scrapes. Nothing too deep though so you didn't want to bother your sweet boyfriend to heal them for you since you knew he probably had more important things to do. So you decided that this was the best time to try out a new healing spell you had come across. Luckily the bunker had all the ingredients you needed. So you gathered up the right portions & brought everything to your room. Figuring it was just safer to do it within the own privacy of your room. But what you didn't expect was the fairly bright, but quick flash of light that lit up the entire room once you had cast the spell. But looking at where your cuts & scrapes were you saw that they were no longer there meaning that you had done the spell correctly, though you didn't have time to celebrate your small victory before your door flew open & there stood Gadreel with a fairly worried look on his face. He had seen the bright flash of light from underneath your door & thought the worst. That there was an enemy angel in your room & that you were in severe danger. But once he was you sitting cross-legged on your bed perfectly fine his worried look quickly vanished. Then he saw the bowl you had used to mix the ingredients together in front of you & was quick to put together that you were practicing or doing some kind of witchcraft. He had stepped into your room & closed the door behind him. Getting closer to you he asked what all of this was for, motioning at your mixing tools & obviously the bright flash of light he saw. You explained to him how you had just recently started to dabble in this stuff because you felt like it could help you bring more to the team. Since you never thought of yourself as anything special which is why you had decided to take up witchcraft, you also swore to yourself that you'd never use it for evil purposes. Then you went on to explain how you had cast a healing spell, which did in fact work perfectly, but how it also caused that bright flash of light that did take you by surprise. Since there was no mentions of it when you did some research on the spell. He didn't really mind that you had taken this up since he knew you only had good intentions with it, but also made you promise to him that you wouldn't do any spell casting unless he was there to watch over you in case the spell didn't go the right way. He also reassured you that no matter how small of an injury you got he would always be glad to heal them for you because in his words "Nothing in this world is more important than you are my love."

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