Spending The Night In The Impala - Dean

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The three of you had recently finished working on a case. One that which involved you three taking out a fairly large group of werewolves. You had all walked away with bumps, bruises, cuts & scrapes. But luckily none of you suffered any major injuries. Though you were all tired, both mentally & physically. You had wanted nothing more than to just pass out in a semi-decent or comfy bed. Though you were highly disappointed when every motel you went to or passed in town had no vacancy. Which left you with no option but to spend the night sleeping in Dean's Baby. Sam being the tallest of the three of you had agreed to let him take the back bucket seat. Which meant you & Dean were left to share the front seat between the two of you. Which was harder for you to do since you had been harboring feelings towards the eldest Winchester. Feelings that you weren't even fully sure he had reciprocated. So at first, you had just tried to get some shut-eye while propped up against the passenger side door. Though every time you got close to nodding off you would feel Dean's foot "accidentally" hitting the side of your leg. Yet every time your eyes shot open & glared over in his direction his eyes were closed making it hard to tell if he was sleeping or not. After the third time, you had just gotten fed up & locked your foot between his legs. That's when you noticed the smirk forming on his face. Which made you realize he had been awake the entire time purposely keeping you awake. You had wanted to chew him out, but then remembered that Sam was asleep in the backseat so all you could do was shoot him a glare & the middle finger. Which only made his smirk grow larger & then he shifted a little & patted the spot next to him. At first, you were confused, but then he motioned for you to join him. So that's exactly what you did, plus you did have to admit that this was more comfortable. Though you couldn't help the feeling of embarrassment that came over you when you felt Dean wrap his arms around you & start to reposition you so you were more so on top of him. Not to mention the small fact that your heart was beating so loud you could've sworn that the green-eyed hunter could feel it & your suspicions were confirmed when you felt him place a kiss on your forehead & heard him whisper to you to just relax & close your eyes. That coupled with the fact that he had started to soothingly rub up & down on your arms the heaviness of sleep had finally begun to fill your body & it wasn't long after you had fallen asleep with your head resting against his neck & his arms caged around your waist keeping you close & safe. When you had woken up in the morning you were surprised to find out that you were still in the same position you had fallen asleep in & were only brought out of your thoughts when you heard a sleepy "Well good morning sweetheart." Looked up to find your green-eyed crush looking down at you with a look that you could only describe as being filled with pure love.

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