Chapter 104:

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'We are celebrating the engagement of Adriano Giovanni and Fouzia Ouihya.' Vittoria finishes.

My heart drops.

Everyone looks at each other confused.

The glass in my hand slips and shatters on the floor, making Adriano look at me.

Please let me have misheard her.

'To the new happy couple.' She drinks her champagne and so does Adriano and Fouzia.

This was supposed to be Mimi's night.

'That's fucked up.' Terzo mutters. 'That's really fucked up.'

I look back at Fouzia's hand and see the diamond engagement ring.

I feel a hand on my arm and see Xuan giving me a sympathetic look.

The waiters place the food in front of us. I feel too sick to eat.

I get up and look at Mimi.

'I'm going to go home.' I say.

My eyes become blurry and I wipe them. 

Adriano stands up as well and looks at me.

'Leave her alone, you've done enough damage.' Mimi snaps.

'Do you want me to come with you?' Mimi asks.

'No, you stay here with Alessandro.' I reply.

I walk out of the restaurant and hear someone following me.

To my luck, it starts pouring with rain.

'Dilara!' Adriano yells. 'Dilara please let me explain!'

'Adriano I'm done,' I say turning to him.

His face drops.

'I really thought that maybe just maybe things could go back to how they were because of whatever that was in the living room.' I cry.

My heart feels like it's going to explode.

'They are.' Adriano says.

'No they're not.' I laugh. 'I'm done with this, all of it.'

'What do you mean?' He asks.

'I mean I'm done with you, I'm done with Vittoria and I'm done with this mafia.' I snap. 'I'm gonna call Christianto.'

'You can't leave, you'll be killed.' Adriano says. 'Especially if they know you're talking to the heir of The Ravens.'

'It's none of your business.' I snap. 'And it's fine because Christianto isn't the heir.'

'Bullshit!' He yells. 'Can't you see that he's manipulating you stop being so stupid!'

'He's not manipulating me, he only wants one thing from me and that's to join his mafia.' I snarl.

'And why do you think that?' Adriano snaps. 'Because you're a good fighter, he's in charge and he's not to be trusted!'

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