Chapter 50:

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AUTHORS NOTE: Will is the doctor who treated Adriano when he was sick, he also tried to kick Dilara out of the room. Chapter 40 for reference

'This is a lot of damage to your soft tissue.' Will says after coming back from the X-Ray room. 'Meaning you'll need to stay in bed for a while.'

'How long?' I ask.

'A maximum of three weeks.' He replies. 'But we can let you use a wheelchair.'

I sigh in relief, nothing too serious.

'You'll need to be heavily dosed on anaesthetic for the surgery.' He adds.

'Can someone please explain why my best friend is in a hospital bed again?' Mimi yells bursting through the doors.

A scared Alessandro and Xuan follow behind her.

'She's been really cranky lately,' Alessandro explains.

'Pregnancy hormones.' Xuan quickly adds.

'I am not hormonal!' Mimi yells.

'Can you all calm down and remember that this is a hospital,' Will snaps.

'Dilara are you ok?' She asks coming to the side of my bed.

'Yeah I'm fine, just being prepped for surgery.' I say.

'You owe me a proper explanation when you wake up.' She says.

'Did Alessandro not say anything?' I ask looking behind her at him.

'He just said you got shot, that's it.' She replies.

'Well that's true.' Alessandro says.

'Why though.' She says. 'You never used to get into these kind of situations not until this Adriano showed up at your house.'

I flinch when she says his name. It's been seven hours since the incident and we still don't know if he's alright.

'It's a long story,' I sigh. 'But you already know they're in the mafia, just connect the dots.'

'It shouldn't be that hard.' Xuan rolls his eyes.

'Careful.' Alessandro glares at him.

'All of you out.' Will says. 'Dilara needs to be prepped and your drama is stressing me out.'

He shoves them all out of the room and two other nurses come out with a tray full of utensils and an IV drip.

Will comes over and injects the anaesthetic into me and I start feeling drowsy.

I turn over onto my stomach so they can get a good view of the bullet wedged behind my knee.  

I finally open my eyes after what feels like ages. I look around expecting Adriano to be by my side but I find Mimi sleeping in one of the armchairs.

The rest of the hospital is empty and daylight escapes from behind the curtains and into the room.

My right leg is completely dead. I try not to move it as I push myself to sit up.

My head hurts so much and I look over at the table and see a packet of migraine tablets and a glass of water. I take one and rest my head back on the pillow.

'How do you feel?' Will says walking over to my bed.

'Tired.' I sigh.

'I'll tell everyone that you're awake.' He says, walking over to one of the security guards.

The guard talks into his walkie-talkie and not a minute later, Amira, Xuan, Alora, Alessandro, Lorenzo, Zoya and Terzo walk through the doors. 

Amira comes and softly hugs me, Zoya sits on the end of my bed. Alessandro immediately sits on the armchair next to Mimi.

Lorenzo stands next to me and Terzo, Alora and Xuan crowd around my bed.

'I'm so glad you're ok,' Amira says in relief.

'If it wasn't for Lorenzo and Zoya I would've died out there.' I reply.

'How long are you going to be like this?' Terzo asks. I can see that his usual goofy self is gone, replaced with concern.

'She'll have to stay in bed for a couple days and then she'll be able to use a wheelchair.' Will says.

'No school for you.' Zoya says. 

'Have any of you heard from Adriano?' I ask. 'Or about him?'

The all glance at each other and something silent passes between them. Xuan crosses his arms and clenches his jaw.

'Still nothing,' Alora says, avoiding eye contact.

I swallow the hard lump in my throat.

Will coughs, breaking the silence.

'We should let Dilara sleep,' he says.

'I want to stay awake.' I reply.

'Oh my god Dilara,' Mimi gasps. I realise she's woken up from her nap.

She stands up and I see that she's starting to develop a baby bump.

'Is there anyway we can take Dilara out of this room now?' Terzo asks.

'Absolutely not.' Will snaps.

'Please she'll be super safe.' Alora begs.

Will rolls his eyes and walks away.

'We tried.' Xuan shrugs.

He comes back with a wheel chair.

'Alessandro, Lorenzo help her into this.' He says.

They both pick me up from my sides, and I disconnect myself from the IV drip.

'Come back as soon as you feel tired.' He says.

'I will,' I reply.

Lorenzo pushes my wheelchair.

'Where are we going?' I ask.

'The cinema room!' Alora exclaims.

'Is it ok if I freshen up first?' I ask.

'Sure,' she says.

She takes the wheelchair from Lorenzo and leads me down a corridor.

'I forgot to ask, but what happened to the Blondie?' I ask.

'Zoya and Terzo anonymously dropped her off at the police station, she's been wanted for a while.' Alora explains.

She leads me to a door and presses a button. A white marble elevator opens up in front of me.

'I didn't know this existed,' I gasp.

'So many of us have had to use wheelchairs.' She laughs.

She presses the second floor button and it takes us to the floor of my bedroom.

She takes me to my room and leaves me, closing the door behind her.

I wheel myself to the bathroom and open the bath, getting it ready for me to relax in.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story!
Have a nice day!

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