Chapter 89:

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'We need to do something now,' I say. 'They called me last night.'

'What did they say?' Vitoria asks.

'We're watching you Adriano, times ticking.' I reply.

Ok we need to go speak to them today.' She says. 'Lets go now.'

We walk out of the meeting room and I bump into an angry looking Mimi, and a worried Alessandro running after her.

'Tu pendejo!' She snaps before punching my face.

Translation: you asshole.

'Calm down Mimi,' Alessandro says, pulling her off me.

'What's your problem?' I snap.

'You have no family?' She snarls. 'Are you fucking kidding me.'

She goes to hit me again but Alessandro drags her away, and I can still hear her muttering curse words in Spanish.

'Let's not waste anymore time,' Vittoria says.

We leave the house and get into her Lamborghini.

She drives us to The Ravens base.

How does she even know her way here?

I don't question it and get out of the car, when we're followed by three of our own body guards.

We walk in and everyone is staring.

Not at Vittoria, but at me.

A woman with red hair, cut short and brown eyes stands before us.

'What do you want?' She asks, looking straight at me.

'We want to talk to your leader.' Vittoria replies.

The woman speaks into the microphone and not long later, the man who tortured me comes out.

'Christianto,' Vittoria says.

'Vittoria.' He replies.

'It's nice of him to send you, but we need to talk to the real leader.' She snaps.

Real leader?

'You know I can't do that.' He responds.

'It's about Dilara.' I say.

He looks at me for a moment before nodding.

He leads us to an elevator and we go to the fourth floor.

We walk down a corridor and then Christianto knocks on the door.

'Come in,' a deep voice says.

We walk into this dark room.

It reeks of cigar smoke.

The man's face is hidden, the curtains are drawn and all that's illuminated is his body.

'It's nice to finally meet you Adriano Giovanni.' The man's voice booms throughout the entire room.

'I've heard a lot about how you escaped, very smart.' He says. 'You certainly gave my workers a lot of grief.'

'Who are you?' I ask.

The man lets out a cloud of smoke.

'Sit down please,' he says, gesturing to the leather chairs opposite his desk.

We wearily sit down.

'You didn't answer his question,' Vittoria replies.

'I see, but cannot be seen,' he replies. 'I hear, but cannot be heard and I watch but cannot be watched.'

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