Chapter 19:

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'Get them into the living room.' I say. Mimi and I help Dilara onto the couch and Alora puts Zoya on the armchair next to the window.

'How did she get drunker than me.' Mimi laughs.

'They did drink a whole bottle of vodka,' Alora says stretching.

'You let Dilara drink a whole bottle.' I glare at them.

'You can't stop Dilara once she wants to prove someone wrong.' Mimi laughs.

That's true. The girl's fucking crazy.

I walk out of the living room and walk into the kitchen. I open up the fridge and take out three water bottles. I walk back to Diara and see her snoring on the couch. I hand a bottle to Alora and she walks over to Zoya.

I kneel down next to Dilara and softly hit her cheek.

'Pazza wake up.' I say. She ignores me and grumbles. I shake her softly.

'W...What?' She slurs, she squints and tries to adjust her eyes to the light around her.

'You need to drink.' I say. I open up the bottle and put it to her lips. She tightens her mouth shut and tries to wrestle the bottle out of my hands.

'I don't want it.' She snaps. She squeezes the bottle, making the water pour all over my face and soak my shirt.

'Quel piccolo stronzo.' I snarl wiping my face.

Translation: That little asshole

She looks up at me smiling.

'Do you have any shirts?' I ask, turning to Mimi. She shakes her head. I sigh and take off my shirt, throwing it on the table behind me.

I hear Mimi whistle from behind me, when I turn to her she quickly looks away. I look back at Dilara who's now sitting up.

'Damn Papi, you're hot,' She says hiccupping. I look at her confused. I cross my arms and smirk, I could get used to this Dilara.

'Is that so?' I ask.

'Is he single?' She asks, looking at Mimi. Mimi shrugs, trying to hold back her laughter.

'I am,' I reply. 'But I only date girls who listen to me.' I say handing her another water bottle.

She glares at me.

'Now drink.' I say. She twists the cap off and puts the bottle to her lips. She quickly drinks half of it and hands me back the bottle.

I stand up and walk over to Zoya, who looks better than before.

'I think we'll spend the night here.' Alora says. I nod.

'I have some spare mattresses upstairs.' Mimi says. 'I'll go get them.'

'I'll help.' I say. I look over at Dilara who's fiddling with strands of her hair.

Mimi and I walk out of the living room and go upstairs into the storage room. It's filled with brooms, mattresses and other things. I grab one and she gets the other one.

She stops me before I can leave the room.

'I'm not blind or stupid, and neither is anyone else.' She starts. 'We all can see that there's something going on between you and Dilara we just don't know what.'

I look at her confused.

'I'm just saying that if you break her heart or do anything to hurt her, I will kill you with my bare hands.' She snarls.

I highly doubt it, but I'm in no position to say anything now.

'Understood?' She asks.

'Yes.' I say. I won't hurt her, and I won't let anyone hurt her.

We walk back downstairs with the mattresses, blankets and pillows. We push the table out of the way and lay them down. I carefully take off Dilara's heels, and her dress rides up her thigh, exposing the tail of her dragon tattoo. I drape a blanket over her.

'I'm staying here with you guys.' I say. I take the gun out of my waistband and put it on the table along with the knife that was in my sock.

'I'm not going to ask.' Mimi says, I look up at her shocked face.

'It's better if you don't.' I say, laying back on the mattress. I look over at Alora and Zoya who are both asleep.

'I'll see you in the morning.' She says, turning off the light and walking upstairs.


I close the fridge door, making sure not to make any noise. I see Dilara standing where the door was.

'Jesus pazza you scared me.' I say sighing.

'You can't sleep either?' She whispers. I shake my head.

She walks past me and opens up the drawer and takes out some migraine tablets. She fills a cup up with water and takes the medication.

I walk up to her and the light of the lamp outside of the window, illuminates her tired, yet beautiful face.

'What's keeping you awake?' I ask.

'Migraines.' She says taking a sip of water. 'What about you?'

'I feel like I shouldn't let my guard down.' I reply. 'We could be attacked.'

'You should learn to let your guard down around me.' She says nudging me softly. 'After all, I can protect myself.'

But I want to protect you. I want to be there for you, all the time.

'I'll try.' I say laughing. She takes a deep breath.

'Thanks for everything.' She says. 'Thanks for making sure we were all ok.'

'Well, you need someone to look after you.' I reply. 'You can be reckless sometimes.'

She punches my arm.

'I'm not reckless, I just like to have fun.' She smiles up at me. I roll my eyes.

'Sure.' I reply, shaking my head.

'Sorry if I was too much to handle while drunk.' she says.

'You weren't, although you did say some memorable stuff.' I say.

'Like what?' She asks in a panic.

'Nothing you should worry about.' I smirk.

I turn around and look down at her. A piece of her hair falls in front of her face, and I put it behind her ear. My fingers graze her cheek.

She moves forward and so do I. The moonlight makes her caramel brown eyes shimmer. I try and move my hand away but she holds onto it making me cup her face.

I snake my hand around her waist and pull her closer to me. We inch our faces closer together, both weary and scared that the other person might not feel the same way. I stroke her bottom lip with my thumb, her breath brushes against my lips.

We hear something fall from the living room and it hits the floor with a loud thud. Dilara clears her throat and steps back. I grab my gun from the counter and walk into the living room with Dilara following behind me. She turns on the light and we see Alora sprawled on the floor.

'I'm ok.' She squeaks. 'I tripped over Adriano's big ass mattress.'

'I thought I'd have to kill someone.' I mutter.

'I'm going to use the toilet.' Alora says getting up and rubbing her stomach.

'I should get back to bed,' Dilara mutters.

'Yeah, I should too.' I reply, rubbing the back of my neck.

'Good night.' She says turning off the light.

'Good night.' I reply.

Guys I'm going to try and post every Monday, Friday and maybe Wednesday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Have a nice day!

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