Chapter 91:

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'He is such an asshole.' Mimi snaps. 'How the fuck is he going to say that to you and then suddenly show up with another girl?'

'That's what I'm thinking.' I reply.

I eat more of my noodles. We ordered Chinese takeout and are watching Orphan.

For some reason we find comfort in watching horror movies.

'I never want to see his face again,' she says. 'Next time I see him I swear I'm going to murder him.'

I laugh and eat more of my noodles.

'I love your pendant by the way,' she says.

'Thanks,' I reply. 'It was a family heirloom.'

'We are going to do something amazing for your birthday, I promise.' She says.

I turn my attention back to the movie, and I still hear Mimi muttering in Spanish.

'No tienes familia, mierda absoluta mierda,' she mutters.

Translation: you have no family, shit absolute shit.

Adriano's pov:
'That was really low even for you,' Zoya says.

Doesn't she know that I know that?

'I never asked for your opinion on things.' I snap.

'Well I'm giving it to you whether you like it or not.' She snarls.

'You need to fix up bro.' Terzo says.

I roll my eyes.

Fouzia walks in holding a bowl of popcorn.

'I really liked Dilara,' Xuan says.

'Same,' Amira and Lorenzo reply.

'It was obvious you did.' I snap at him.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Xuan snaps. 'I'm one of her closest friends don't get that mistaken.'

'I don't know who put that shit in your mind.' Alora snarls.

'Did I miss something, everyone seems a bit tense?' Fouzia asks.

'Stay out of it.' Terzo says tonelessly.

'Vittoria said we have to welcome Fouzia,' I say. 'Come sit with us.'

She sits down at the end of the couch.

'This might be Vittoria's excuse to replace Dilara and you're too ignorant to realise it.' Amira snaps. 'I'm done with your bullshit.'

She storms out of the room and Lorenzo follows her.

'You know you fucked up.' Alessandro says. 'And now I can't live with Mimi anymore.'

'Of course that's the only thing you're worried about.' I snarl.

'Fuck you,' Alora snaps, walking out of the room.

Xuan follows her along with Zoya.

Terzo pulls out his phone and shakes his head.

Great, now everyone's mad at me.

'Want some?' Fouzia asks handing me the bowl.

I throw it across the room and it hits the wall, shattering.

I get up and walk to the back garden, I need some fresh air.

Dilara's Pov:
'Alessandro's coming over today.' Mimi says as I pour myself a cup off coffee. 'Apparently there was a huge fight between everyone and he needs some fresh air.'

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