Chapter 61:

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I never got told I had to make a speech. I have nothing prepared. I look at Vittoria and she's just waiting for me to go up.

I take a deep breath and make my way to the front. I see Adriano's body and bite back a sob.

Everyone's staring at me and I clear my throat.

'Good morning.' I say, my voice echoing throughout the church. 'Most of you know me, but if not I'm Dilara Caesar, Adriano's girlfriend.'

The entire place is silent and a man coughs.

'I'm granted the honour to share my thoughts and feelings about Adriano with you today.' My voice shakes.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Xuan and Alessandro standing behind me on my right. To my left Zoya and Mimi are there.

I continue speaking and it comes naturally to me.

'Adriano was my boyfriend, but not only that he was also my best friend, my confidante, And the love of my life.' I say, while tears fall down my cheeks. 'He was a man who was passionate about the things he loved, and also hated.'

I clear my throat again.

'In his version of how we met, I was head over heels and swooning over him.' I say. 'But in reality he nearly killed me on my first day at Stanford Hill.' I laugh awkwardly.

Everyone laughs and then they fall silent.

'We would argue, but that's normal.' I say. 'There was never not a time when he wouldn't make it up to me.'

'Every day that we went through he made sure I wouldn't go through it alone.' I sob, my voice cracking.

I look down and take a deep breath.

'You got this,' Mimi says squeezing my shoulder.

'The last memory I have of him is one of my best ones.' I explain. 'It where he gave me this ring.' I put up my hand.

'Before...' my voice cracks. 'Before he was taken from me, from us.'

That's it.

I completely break down crying.

Xuan puts and arm around me and Alessandro steps forward.

'He was a great brother, boyfriend and friend,' he finishes off my speech. 'He will be misses by all.'

Everyone applauds loudly.

I can't stop shaking as Xuan takes me back to my seat.

Vittoria looks shocked at my speech.

I suddenly feel extremely dizzy.

'Xuan I need to step outside,' I say tugging on his shirt.

'Are you all right?' He asks.

'I need to breathe,' I gasp.

He nods and leads me out of the church, as Vittoria takes the stand and starts her speech.

We sit down at the steps of the church and Xuan doesn't move away.

He lets me cry into him, even if it means my makeup is getting everywhere.

He rubs my back soothingly.

'You were really strong up there,' he says. 'Why didn't you tell us you made a speech?'

'I didn't know,' I reply. 'I literally just found out when the priest called my name.'

'That's really weird.' He replies.

We sit in silence and all you can hear are my cries.

I finally collect myself, and I look at Xuan's shirt. My foundation and mascara is smudged on it.

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