Chapter 64:

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Maurice hands me the sketchbook and I open it up.

There are so many beautiful dresses in here. I spot the dress Adriano got me last time.

Tears fill my eyes.

'These are beautiful,' I breathe.

I keep on skipping through pages  and my eye catches on this one dress.

It's a gold and blue ball gown dress.

'This one,' I say swallowing the lump in my throat. 'This one is gorgeous.'

'Excellent choice,' he says. He takes the book out of my hand.

'The skirt of this ball gown can be detached and you'll be left with a short moveable fitted dress.' He explains. 'You'll be able to fight in it.'

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands.

'It's perfect,' I say.

'Amazing,' Maurice, says clapping his hands together. 'I will personally deliver these to you in a couple weeks.'

We thank him and Amira and I make our way out of Zoya's room.

I rip the page out of my notebook and scrunch it up. I'm trying to find the best gender reveal ever.

I opened up the Envelope Mimi gave me earlier and she's having a girl.

I want this gender reveal to be funny and unique.

'Fuck!' Xuan yells storming into the living room.

I'm sitting in the corner and I don't think he realises I'm there.

He's pacing back and forth, and running his hands through his hair.

'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck,' I hear him mutter.

He looks stressed out.

'Are you ok?' I ask, finally speaking.

'Shit,' he mutters as he turns to my direction. 'I didn't see you there.'

'You seem stressed,' I say. 'Are you ok?'

'Yeah, I'm fine.' He replies before hurriedly walking out.


I keep on jotting down ideas until I come up with one.

This is going to be hilarious.

I'll get Lorenzo and Terzo to wrestle, but they'll be dressed as babies, one blue one pink. They'll wrestle until pink wins and that's the reveal.

'They're going to love this,' I laugh.

I run out of the living room, and check the kitchen they're not there.

I bump into one of the maids.

'Excuse me, do you know where Terzo and Lorenzo are?' I ask.

'They're in the gaming room ma'am.' She says.

'Thank you,' I say before running off.

I finally get to the gaming room and find them playing a game of ball pool.

'Listen to this,' I say putting my notebook down.

'What's it about?' Lorenzo asks.

'The gender reveal.' I reply.

'I'm all ears,' Terzo says.

'So you and Lorenzo are gonna be dressed in huge baby onesies, one blue one pink.' I explain.

'I want pink!' Terzo exclaims. I burst out laughing and he clears his throat. 'It's a very manly colour.'

'Anyways you guys will wrestle and the correct gender is going to win and BAM, epic gender reveal.' I say, crossing my arms.

'What's the gender?' Lorenzo asks.

'It's a girl!' I squeal.

'Yes!' Terzo exclaims. 'I get to whoop your ass.'

'Do any of you know what's up with Xuan?' Alora asks walking in, eating a strawberry.

'He was acting weird earlier,' I say shrugging and picking up my notebook.

'Why?' Terzo asks.

'He's walking around the house like a madman, muttering to himself saying 'fuck, shit, should I say?''

'Should I speak to him?' I ask.

'Nah just let him be,' Terzo says.

'You guys planning on going to school tomorrow?' Alora asks.

'We have to, we've been gone for a while it's going to look even more suspicious.' Lorenzo says.

'Has Vittoria said anything to the school yet....about Adriano?' I ask.

'Yeah she called them earlier,' Alora replies. 'They said they were sorry for our loss but expect us back soon.'

I take a deep breath.

'I think I'll go walk Dynamite,' I say.

'He's with Mimi,' Terzo says.

'Thanks,' I reply.

I go to my room and get changed into jeans and a backless cropped top.

I find Mimi in the living room.

'Can I have Dynamite?' I ask.

'Sure,' she hands me the leash. 'Are you going out?'

'Yeah, you want anything?' I ask.

'Can you get me some cookies from subway?' She asks.

'Yeah,' I reply. 'I'll see you soon.'

I leave the house with Dynamite and we walk to the park.

The whole time there I feel like someone's watching me. I keep on looking behind me but no ones there.

'Dilara!' A guy yells from his car.

I turn around and see Kia with Aiden and some of the basketball team. I wave at them.

'Where have you been?' Aiden asks.

'It's been a mess,' I laugh.

'We couldn't get a hold of you,' Kai says.

'I changed phones twice,' I laugh.

'Principal Carter made an announcement today and everyone knows about Adriano,' One of the basketball guys says.

My face immediately drops.

Kai elbows him and Aiden hits him round the head.

'What?' The guy mutters.

'We're sorry for your loss,' Aiden says.

'It's fine,' I reply. 'I gotta get going, I'll see you all tomorrow.'

I wave goodbye and make my way to Subway.

I order twelve cookies for Mimi, I mix and match them.

I feel something stroke my spine and I quickly look behind me.

No ones there.

This is creepy as hell.

I thank the cashier and get my cookies, I try and shake the thought of being watched away.

I then stop at Starbucks and get my usual drink.

When I leave the store I look across the street and see a guy dressed in all black with his hood up and a mask on, staring right at me.

A car passes in between  of us and he's gone.

I swear to god he was right there.

Or am I imagining things.

I shake my head and sigh, I really need to get a therapist.

Dynamite barks a few times, bringing my attention back to him.

Collecting my thoughts, we make our way back to the mansion.

Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Do you think Dilara's being followed?
Have a nice day!

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