Chapter 63:

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'This is the leader of The Ravens,' Vittoria says.

She puts a picture up on the board of a tall, dark skinned man with brown eyes and corn rolls. He looks like he's in his twenties.

I can't lie, he's hot.

I look at Zoya and Alora and I can see they're thinking the same thing.

'His name is Christianto,' Xuan says. 'He's dangerous and insane.'

'He's going to have the USB on him, during the masquerade ball.' Vittoria explains.

'How are we supposed to get it off him?' Lorenzo asks.

'That's where Dilara comes in,' She continues. 'The mafia leaders never meet eachother, there's always a middle person, the messenger.'

'Dilara is going to be that messenger, she will pretend to work for the demons.' Alessandro says.

I guess now that Adriano's gone Alessandro has to fill in his place.

He doesn't seem to enjoy it.

'Dilara will then walk past Zoya and give her the USB, Terzo will then offer her a drink and slip a fake USB into her hand.' Alessandro explains.

'What's in this USB that's so important?' I ask.

'That's for me to know.' Vittoria replies.

'It seems stupid to risk our lives for an object that we know nothing about,' I shrug.

I lean back on my chair and drink out of the tequila bottle.

'Ever since you got here all you've done is contradict my every move.' Vittoria says standing up.

That's not going to scare me.

'Get used to it, because it's not going to change.' I snap.

'Dilara's right, we have the right to know what's in the USB.' Alora says.

'Inside this USB is the information of every single mafia in America including ours.' Vittoria sighs. 'All our personal information is on there.'

'What are they going to do with it?' Terzo asks.

'Start killing us off, one by one until they're the only two mafia's that stand.' She says.

She puts another picture on the board.

'This is Zane, the Leader of The Demons.'

A blonde guy, with hazel eyes come on the screen. He looks nineteen at least.

'When I give him the fake, wont he realise I'm not in his mafia?' I ask.

'This guys head is so far up his ass, he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.' Lorenzo says.

'You need to get him alone and kill him.' Alessandro says. 'Once you do, you'll press a tiny button on the USB which will alert us.'

'We need to get out of there before anyone realised he's gone.' Vittoria says. 'Alora is taking care of that.'

'Yes boss,' Alora finally looks up.

She looks like she hasn't slept at all and I realise that this is the first time she's looked away from her screen.

'Zoya will be in charge of getting you ready,' Vittoria says. 'She will cover up your snake tattoo and give you a new one on your back.'

'It's not permanent don't worry, you can scrub it off when we're done.' Zoya says.

'This is what the tattoo looks like,' she puts a picture on the screen.

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