Chapter 27:

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Everything's dark, people are screaming, there's dust everywhere and the ringing in my ears won't stop.

'DILARA!' I yell. I sound muffled.

No reply.

I cough heavily and wipe the rubble off me. Someone set off a bomb.

I fumble as I walk across the broken ceiling that's now on the floor.

If she's dead it's my fault. I shouldn't have forced her to come with us. I fucking dragged her into this. I dragged her into my fucked up life.

'Adrinano?' A voice says. I turn around and see Zoya holding up an unconscious Terzo.

'Where are the others?' I ask.

'We don't know,' She says. She looks scared, her dark green dress is ripped. She walks towards me, trying not to step on dead bodies.

'Put him down,' I say. We lay him on a slab of cement. I check his pulse.

'He's alive.' I say. She lets out a breathe of relief. 

'Where's Dilara?' She asks. I turn to her and she sees the expression on my face.

'Go find her, I'll stay with Terzo,' she says quickly.

I run over dead bodies and see people helping people out from being trapped under broken pieces of the roof.

'Dilara!' I yell.

I see a girl wearing a gold dress, collapsed on the floor she surrounded by three other people.


I run over to her and push past Amira, Lorenzo and Matteo. Her long brown hair is covering her face. I put my hand under her head and haul her onto my lap.

I remove the hair from her face and see a trail of blood coming down her forehead.

'Come on pazza wake up,' I say.

My throat stings with my attempt to hold back my tears. This is all my fault.

I gently hit her face, praying that's she's not damaged.

'Do any of you have water?' I ask.

They all shake their heads.

I bring her head to my chest and rock back and forth.

'Come on pazza, please don't leave me.' I whisper. I kiss her head and continue rocking back and forth. I wipe my face with the back of my hand and it comes back wet.

'Matteo, please go try and find some water,' I say. He nods and runs off.

I check her pulse, she's alive but not moving. I should've never made her come.

Matteo runs back to me with a bottle of water.

'Amira, Lorenzo try and find Alora and Alessandro,' I say. The nod and walk off.

I quickly rip the lid off and pour some of it on her face.

'Come on pazza,' I whisper my eyes feel blurry and I quickly wipe them.

I press my forehead to hers and let out a muffled sob.

I keep on lightly hitting her face.

'Adriano let her go,' A woman says. I look up and see my mum.

'Mamma, Dilara potrebbe essere morta,' I say cradling her head in my arms.

Translation: Mum, Dilara could be dead.

'Adriano, per favore, lasciala andare così possiamo portarla in ospedale.' Mum says.

Translation: Adriano, please let her go so we can take her to the hospital

I kiss her forehead and two men pick her up and take her out of the building.

I look up and see everyone with my mother, even Xuan.

'Are you all here?' Mum asks as I get up and brush the rubble off me.

'The whole place was rigged,' Alora says. 'Someone was able to plant the bomb without getting caught.'

I instantly look at Xuan.

I grab him by the shirt and take my gun out. I place it to his forehead.

'You asshole!' I spit. 'You knew Dilara was here with us and you still did it.' I hit him with the back of it.

'I didn't do shit,' he spits out blood.

I punch him and he drops to the floor. I get on-top of him and start hitting him, he groans in pain.

'You wanted to get close to us!' I yell, punching him in the face. 'You came here to plant the bomb!'

I keep on hitting him and my knuckles hurt. I just keep on hitting and hitting him.

Arms grab me and drag me off Xuan.

'Let go of me!' I bellow. My voice echoes throughout what remains of the mansion.

'Adriano calm down,' Zoya says.

'I promised Mimi....' I whisper, looking At Zoya. She cups my face in her hands.

'Adriano she's going to be fine,' she says.

'I promised Mimi I wouldn't let her get hurt,' I whisper. 'I promised myself I wouldn't let her get hurt.' I look down.

I'm not going to break down, not here not now.

'Adriano look at me,' Zoya says. I look at her and see that her hazel eyes are filled with tears.

'There's nothing you could've done to stop this,' she says. 'Nothing at all.'

'I should've left her alone,' I say. 'When she didn't want to come, I should've left her alone.'

'Adriano listen to me,' she says. 'Dilara will be fine.'

I nod and step back.

'We need to evacuate and help whoever is left,' I say.

'Are you not going to apologise?' Xuan asks.

'If you speak one more time my fist and you face are going to be best friends.' Lorenzo snarls.

'Alora, get Terzo and Matteo out of here,' My mother commands. 'Zoya you go with them.' They nod and take guns out of their thigh holsters.

'Let's go search the perimeter,' Alessandro says.

We all take our guns out and look around for survivors.

I see Zahira helping up her husband Chase. I run to her.

'Zahira come with us,' I say. I help Chase whose limping and we walk towards the entrance.

I see our doctors putting Dilara into an ambulance.

'Zoya, take care of them,' I say. She holds up Chase and I run over to the ambulance.

I get into the back and the doctors shut the doors on us.

I look for Dilara's hand and hold it.

'Ti prego dio lasciala viva,' I whisper kissing her palm.

Translation: Please God let her be alive.

Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it was very emotional 🥲. Keep on reading to see what happens next!
Have a nice day!

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