Chapter Twelve. I.m. Perfect.

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// Good news! Now I'll be able to ulpoad every day, the story gets very intense at some points but I guess that's just a little roller coaster we're going to have o go on together, anyway...

Enjoy the chapter! //

Bill was sitting in his desk reading the police report from a kidnapped kid. The parents hadn't gotten any calls from the kidnapper and Georg was already digging the family's background, trying to find out why their five year old son would be kidnapped. They weren't rich and the neighbours said that they were also nice people, sometimes their dog would leave messes on their gardens, but that was as bad as they got.

"Alright, so what have you got?" Georg said as he sat on the edge of Bill's desk.

"The mother took the kid to do the groceries. She puts him in the back of the car to unload the cart and when she goes to start the car she notices that the kid is not in his usual seat." Bill explained the shortest version possible. "You know the drill: mother panics, gets out of the car, starts yelling, and asks for help, the police arrives... it's a circus."

"After this, I am taking some time off..."

"Yeah, it's been a fucking awful year." Bill agreed.

Tom walked in with a file in his hand as he talked to someone in the hall; they seemed to be having a fun conversation as Tom let out a laugh before saying "see you." Bill saw his brother come to his desk but couldn't help to notice the blonde girl walking to Schafer's office.

"What is she doing here?" Bill asked his brother.

"Oh, she's doing some collaborative thing with the police now." Tom said. "She was just asking me about Emma, it's so weird, I feel fucking old just looking at her!"

"Yeah, well you learn to deal with it." Georg said.

"How's this going for you?" Tom asked as he looked down at an opened file with a little boy's picture attached to it. "Don't tell me it's another murder..."

"It's not." Georg said, but the truth was, it could easily turn into that. "Kidnapped in the middle of the day in a parking lot. The usual."

"Why am I not surprised? Let me guess, the mother only looked away for a few minutes." Both, Georg and Bill nodded. "Classic. Anyway, I have to go, just got another robbery."

"I'll solve that! Wanna take my place here?" Bill joked. Tom shook his head.

"Please I wouldn't like to hinder Listing's job..." He walked away to his own desk.

"Yeah, right..." Georg chuckled.

"You two never fail to amuse me." Georg said as he straightened up. "Come on, we need to get to the Jensen's house."

"...there you are!" Captain Schafer, walked up to them followed but Izzy, Bill was just putting his coat on to leave the station. "Miss Collins is going to work with you now, hope it works out, no more punching people in the interrogation room," he pointed a finger at Bill, "you hear me, Kaulitz?"

"Yes, sir..." Bill nodded.

"Well, go on. Miss Collins, try to learn a couple of things from them. Not the bad things though..."

"I will, sir." Izzy smiled politely and waited for the blonde to leave, she turned to the other two. "Where are we going?"

"WE are going to some victim's house; YOU are going to sit here, read the file and wait for our call." Bill instructed.

"How about I take the file with me, you feel me up on the case on the way and you won't have to call me?"

"No." Bill said sternly. "You stay here. We don't need you to break down in front of the family." He explained equally severely. She placed her hands on her hips and raised a brow at his comment, not backing away now. In the previous couple of days she'd been bossed around by both her father and her boyfriend, she'd had to sit, chat and laugh with her brother, look at her family as if they were strangers to her and now, Bill was going to tell her what to do? Of all people? Bill?

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