Chapter Two. Make a Dream Last

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Bill and Georg got in the car early in the morning. Bill was making a little investigation of his own over a different matter but it was something nobody knew about. This morning they were going to the campus of the university Albert was studying at.

Bill parked the car next to a free space as Georg read out loud some of the information he had found.

The morning was cold and wet, there were small drops of rain falling from the grey coloured sky and the nature around seemed to receive it with open arms as the green grass and the trees sparkled with a bright green.

They went to the office and got told where to find the law students, they walked to that side of the campus and asked some students about Albert, a few knew him and a little fewer didn't but the little information was good enough for the detectives.

The two men decided on leaving now with what they had, maybe they'd get to visit the roommate now.

But something made them stop. A girl with blonde hair was walking to them, she hadn't noticed it because she was reading some notes but when she lifted her head she stumbled and waved. Georg was a lot less impressed he waved back and walked to her as Bill tried not to act weird.

She allowed herself to take a moment before going to her next class and gave detective Listing a light handshake.

"Hey, how are you?" He smiled at her with kindness. She shrugged.

"Very well." She chuckled. "Bill." They didn't even shake hands; Bill had hid his on his coat's pockets. "It's...nice to see you."

"Yeah, nice to see you too." Bill replied.

"I was hoping you would come to the event, you know? On the weekend..." She let out.

"I couldn't make it." Bill explained, already knowing the story of how Tom had gotten the invitation. He felt stupid.

"What are you doing here?" She turned to Georg, feeling a little hurt by Bill's cold voice tone. He hadn't been like that to her the last time they saw each other, she felt stupid now, thinking she might have been crying for months over someone she shouldn't have ever shed a tear for.

"We're investigating the disappearance of Albert Fruhman..."Georg noticed how her face changed in surprise when he mentioned the name. "Do you know him?"

"Yes. He works as an intern with my father, although he's like...the coffee guy, I think they've been asking for him for a week now in the office." She told them. "Is he...?" She was playing with her fingers absentmindedly.

"We don't know that yet." Georg said. "If you get anything else, please call, okay?" She nodded and he gave her his phone number as Bill played stupid not to do so too.

"Bill..." She tried to speak as she tucked her hair behind both of her ears but he cut her off.

"Detective Kaulitz." He corrected her. Izzy stopped for a second and felt the hard knot on her throat as she smiled as best as she could without wanting to.

"Detective Kaulitz, I..." She didn't want to say what she first thought of saying. "It was nice to see you." She said. "Goodbye." She waved at Georg before leaving.

"Are you fucking with me? Didn't you see how she was throwing herself at you? Are you stupid?"

"No, she wasn't. Let's go."

Bill kept quiet the whole way to the young students' apartment, Georg and him were going to ask the roommate some questions about Albert and then head back to the station to try and come up with some theory of where the boy could be. If only the roommate could have given them any useful information. He was a geek from engineering school and stopped paying attention to his mess of metallic parts on the table of his living room to talk to them. Bill couldn't help but notice how the corner of the boy's mouth would go slightly up at some points, he just didn't trust him. Or maybe Bill was distracted by the smell of oil he gave off.

"I've been working on this for a while now, sorry." He explained when Georg asked about the smell out of curiosity. "But yeah, he didn't come home on Tuesday night and I haven't seen him since. I guessed he was studying none-stop in the library, he had some exams last week."

"Do you know his girlfriend?" He nodded. "Do you think she could be involved

in this?"

"What? No. That girl is harmless. I've only met her once or twice but...nah, mate...she doesn't look like a big threat."

"Well, thank you." Georg turned to Bill and they walked out of the small apartment. "Good luck with that."

"Ha, thanks." The boy closed the door and the two detectives looked at each other.

"I think he's lying." Bill said as they stepped into the slightly wet street. "He was talking too much, too loud. He wanted to believe himself."

"I think he's not lying...not entirely." Georg opened the car door as Bill opened his; they sat in the car while Bill started the engine. "He was nervous, did you see the way he pouted and how he held on to that piece of junk?"

"Alright but what is it then?" Bill gave a turn to the right on the next corner.

"Maybe Albert is hiding away from something and his flatmate is just...covering him up."

"So that would explain why his girlfriend is so worried? She doesn't know." The two of them agreed. "And what is he hiding from?"

"We'll have to find out."

//I'm sorry it's so short, I swear I don't even know why I write such short chapters for this story! Anyway, leave me some comments and tell me: what do you think so far?

Tomorrow I'll upload another one, so hell yeah!(right?)

Thanks for reading, voting and leaving those wonderful comments!//

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