Chapter 14

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Its about 6pm , Sarah is sitting right next to me in my car , Austin got a call from his brother there's an emergency at their company that requires his signature , the business world is something else imagine having to take a 72 hour flight just for a signature.

He literally promised me  that over his grave will he let anything happen to me but how the hack will he protect me if his plan doesn't go accordingly and he just so happens to not be around ? . I might just regret this.

we are parked right in front of the office , I knew Ethan was still here because he hasn't asked me why I am not home yet , Sarah hasn't spoken a word to me since we left her house , she just keeps agreeing with everything I say , her hair is up to point and is wearing new clothes , she used all the money Austin gave me , I was kind of hoping that there would be some change left but it's fine .

" like Austin said , Ethan doesn't know anything so let me go and explain everything to him , you can follow me after 5 minutes " I say to her , she nods quietly looking ahead.

I climb out the car and enter the building , I find him standing at the reception with one foot infront of the other ,it looks as though he was waiting for me because he's the only one here .

" and where are you coming from ? , why do you still have the same clothes on ? " he questions me ,as I approach him," what is that ? , what have you done to my dress ?, do you have any idea how much I spent on that ? , what is wrong with you are you plotting another scheme to bring me down and ruin me  ?"

" no Ethan listen I ...."

" I told you never to utter my name out of that wicked mouth of yours " his anger thermometer  rises .

" I...."

"what was that earlier today ? , were you trying to make the board members leave without casting their votes ? , sabotage 101?, answer me !" he lays his hands on my shoulders and starts shaking me , I don't know how I will tell him anything at this rate , I shrink my whole body as he shakes and screams at me .

" ever since!......"

"Ethan ?!" she calls out to him from behind me .

he pauses and lets go off my shoulders slowly looking past me, his eyes become teary , I laugh internally , he is still human , he pushes me aside as they both run to meet each other , wrapping his arms around her bringing her in a tight hug, seeing both of them cry makes me realise just what a terrible person I am , their embrace exposes what's in their hearts ,their love is just like it was before , seeing Ethan like this brings back so many memories of when we were still young .

they hug each other for about a duration of 5 minutes and I'm standing here not knowing what to do with myself , I'd leave but I have to clean the office so I'm obligated to stay and let the guilt eat me away , without even realising it , tears start running down my cheeks , I don't know why I am crying is it because of their love , or the guilt I am feeling or because my husband is embracing another woman right before my eyes ?,I don't know.

they break apart laughing through their tears , "how...." Ethan puts his finger on her mouth to stop her from talking , " shh , how about we talk over dinner? ".

She nods softly," that sounds great "she blushes.

he snakes his arm around her waist and leads her out of the building , none of them glanced back at me even once , its just like before , their love is all that exists in their dimension nothing and no one else .

after cleaning all the offices , I let the security know that I'm leaving and head to my car . its 9 O clock . I'm unsure if I should go to our house, the two of them might be there or maybe they are still out I'm not sure but irregardless I have to go back because I don't have enough money to go to a hotel .

12 Am.....and I'm in the gargage standing next to my car , Ethan's car is here which means he is inside ,I doubt he is here alone , there's this scenario that keeps repeating in my head that they are going to chase me out , I can't go home or else my dad will start suspecting that my marriage is in trouble which will increase his bloodsugar levels .

trying my best to make my way stealthily into the house , I turn on my phone torch to avoid knocking over anything and alarming them of my presence , I'd rather have them chase me out later in the morning ,at least I'll have time to figure out where I'll go and not now in the middle of the night.

I try to sneak past the kitchen " what are you doing?" Ethan asks me , he is standing in front of the fridge with a soda in his hand .

" are you plotting to kill us now ?" he asks .

" no of course not I was..." , " then why are you sneaking in ?, can't you walk in like a normal person ?" he interuppts .

although what he is saying is harsh he doesn't look as mad as he usually does when he questions me like this .

"I didn't want to interrupt " I answer facing the floor .

"Mmh  come sit " he motions me to sit at the dining table .

I do as told , " what are you doing ?" he asks.

I'm not doing anything , is he asking about bringing Sarah back , " I thought it would make you happy "

he smirks , " you are not hearing me correctly , why did you bring her back ? , how did you even find her ?,what is your plan ?, you know everybody knows that you and I are married are you trying to set me up so you can divorce me for having an affair so everyone would side with you ?".

" can you just stop and listen to me for once! , I wanted to tell you back at the office "   he is trying so hard to hide the fact that he's overjoyed at her return he must be forgetting that before I became his wife I was his best friend .

" I'm all ears" he leans in on the table .

" I want us to have an open relationship " I blurt out.

his head falls back ," you are not trying to frame me ? , open relationship as in you see other people and the same goes for me ?" for the very first time in five years he is speaking to me in private so calmly I never saw this day coming.

" yes , but if you prefer a divorce that is also fine I won't drag your name through the mud I promise " .

his eyes narrow " this is so sudden and I'm a businessman who knows that buildings that have been built from ground floor always collapse ,it seems to me you are trying to cover up something like an affair , are you  having an affair? " ,his voice shrinks," why else would a selfish person like you allow something like this ?" his forehead creased.

" no no no " Austin comes to mind , I can't let him be aware of that night , he might just flip " I just , I want you to be happy , the open relationship thing applies to you and not me , I'm not seeing anyone or planning on seeing anyone , I just thought it is about time I right my wrongs " I say sincerely hoping that he is buying it because it is true .

he looks past me , this is the longeset he has ever tolerated me , " are you sure ?"he studies me .

" Positive" .

"okay , fine " he agrees .

" really ?" my eyes widen .

" yes really ,I don't have a reason to object such a lovely offer now do I? . in public you are my wife but in private Sarah is my wife , that's actually not a bad idea, the company upholds its reputation, me included , just to be safe I have recoreded you so don't even think of trying anything funny by dragging me to court because you will lose " he takes out his phone and stops the recording .

" you can use the room next to ours from now on " he says .

'Ours?' the word screams in my head.

" I'll use the guestroom " .

" no I insist , please use the one next to ours , and actually .... I'm not asking you I'm telling you " he says hitting the table like a drumroll .

" goodnight " he gets up the chair like a little boy who has been called on stage to receive his medal he runs upstairs to our bedroom ... *to their bedroom .

I don't want to use the room next door because 1 ) the walls are not exactly sound proof and 2 ) I can easily avoid them everyday if I stayed in the guestroom and finally , I don't know how I'll feel knowing that my husband is sleeping right next door with another woman , this is already proving to be more than I asked for .

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