Chapter 9

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The house looks exactly the same way it did before I left which means Ethan didn't stop by , It's already past 9 so I know he is already at the office , I quickly shower and put on my basic secretary clothes as Ethan prefers without checking the time I head out .

I have already asked Caitlyn to get Milos to deliver Ethan's coffee at the office .

as I step in I stop and breathe preparing myself for the scolding that's coming my way , I have never been this late before, at least this time I have given him a solid reason to come for me .

everyone at the office is scattered, moving from one corner to another, an important client is here which is good news for me because that means I will be spared , he will certainly bring it up some other day but at least that won't be today , without being noticed by anyone I hop on the elevator and head straight to Ethan's office to get my tasks for the day.

I freeze before opening his door not sure if I should knock or wait for his meeting to be over , he is sitting with a man who is wearing a black suit , the man's back is facing me, something about his hair is very familiar , it looks exactly like the one I saw this morning .there's no way. I push my thoughts aside and decide to knock either way .

Ethan glances at the door and signals me to come in with a grin on his face ,I sigh realizing its time for me to also put on my acting face . it must be an old client or just someone we've met at one of the business events that's why his hair is familiar - I try to convince myself.

the man turns around instantly as the door creaks , with a spark in his eyes and half a grin he shouts , " Lauren !, what a surprise " .

my whole body stiffens as my skin becomes cold, I am doomed , I look at Ethan and he is just as stunned , " you guys know each other ?" he asks as they both lift from their chairs.

" yes we attended the same primary school remember ?" Austin answers .

I can't really read Ethan's eyes since he is in pretend mode , I decide to block Austin from every angle from spilling any tea about last night and the best way to do that is to act as if I am seeing him for the first time in a million years .

" Austin ?, hey ! " I stride toward him to give him a hug, my insides are twisting like tangled clothes , I literally have the worst of all luck.

he doesn't waste the chance to squeeze me tightly making every vessel in my body cringe, 'this is the very guy I might've slept with and now I am hugging him in front of my Husband ' My throat is strangled with guilt and fear .

" woah woah back up buddy " Ethan steps in between us . confusion written all over his face.

" sorry man I just haven't seen her in a while I am surprised , " he says evidently elated ." how have you been ?" .

" good good" I try to play along but my acting is overshadowed by my fear , of course they know each other , we all went to the same primary school I don't know why that didn't click before , Austin left to attend a different school before Ethan and I became friends , so maybe that's why he couldn't tell whom I was referring to when I kept saying 'my best friend'.

Ethan senses the awkwardness because he snakes his arm around my waist like a jealous husband , "why are you looking at my wife like that ? , just so you know she is taken" he adds .

Austin looks at the both of us "I know but you know what they say ,' you pick an apple from a tree ' you are the tree in this case , I might just pick her out " he says sternly .

awkward silence takes over the atmosphere , he breaks it by laughing , " like I'd ever come for your wife , Miranda already told me you guys were married when I walked in , I'm just surprised to see that she hasn't changed one bit ,she's still as beautiful as she was back then so please forgive my staring "

" beautiful ? "Ethan scoffs mockingly.

"You don't think your wife is beautiful?" His head falls back slightly .

" She is, very much ,I just can't believe you admitted it straight to my face that you were staring at her because of her beauty , should I be cautious of you ?" .

I'm not the only one who understands that this is a cover up, Austin looks just as uncomfortable we both know that Ethan was laughing because he doesn't think I'm anywhere near beautiful maybe to him I look exactly like a goblin, but I have to admit his laughing stung my heart .

" Nope you don't have to worry about that I don't chase after married women " they both laugh it off . Another stung , doesn't seeing me make him feel guilty even the slightest?.

" well since we were already done with our meeting we can had out for that meal " Ethan says.

" yes lets do that , would you like to join us Lauren ?" Austin asks .

why does the oil industry have to be so small ?, he must be the overseas client they have been talking about for the past week , I never get involved in any of the meetings I just hear about new changes here and there through the staff members so in a way I am always in the dark, but why does it have to be him?,I was really counting on not ever seeing him in this lifetime ever again .

" no actually Lauren has a lot of work to .... "

" I am sure an hour can't come in the way of that, your husband is the boss so that technically makes you the boss . please Lauren I insist , pretty please " he folds his hands , " I'd really like to catch up with you ... I mean the both of you and hear more about the typical boring married life so I can decide if it's something I want to pursue" he says with a pasted grin .

" I really can't I ...".

" its fine come with us I doubt he will stop begging if you don't and he's leading our new project so its in our best interest to give in to his demands " Ethan nods "shall we ?" .

with a soft tone " sure " I agree , I don't know what Austin's game plan is , what if he wants to use this as an opportunity to tell Ethan about what happened last night as if I am not embarrassed enough that I don't remember . I can't help but worry.

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