chapter 3

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I'm in my car staring at the road ahead - thinking about my relationship with Ethan , I was wrong and everyday I beat myself up about it , his anger is justified but the truth is .... I didn't think it would last for this long , its been close to five years now and his heart is still hardened as ever and the only reason I actually put up with him is because I'm hoping that it will soften and will reach a point when he actually forgives me .

I wasn't supposed to marry Ethan , it wasn't my plan but when my dad's honor and image was at stake I had to take a stand for my family's sake , my dad was on the verge of losing his business and his name was already being dragged through the mud if I had let that happen my family was going to be damaged beyond repair and would be on the streets as we speak , being associated with Price oils was all we needed to redeem ourselves and save our company .

my dad and Ethan's dad Larry Price were the owners of the two leading oil companies in the whole country , they were always competing over clients and surprisingly they had and still have no bad blood , Ethan and I knew each other from school , we became best friends after 4th grade , I can't actually remember how it started all I remember is that we got acquainted through the beauty and the beast play ,we became inseparable which in turn brought both our dads together , everything was good until my dad made the worst decision in his life by marrying a harlot/gold digger, Priyanka, she slandered my dad's name and made up all types of lies about him which had the media talking ,soon clients were pulling out , she then proceeded to sue him for abusing her physically and emotionally , which led us to being bankrupt , the only way out for us was if my dad and Ethan's dad merged both their companies but Mr. Price wasn't willing and not only that but Ethan was in line to take over the business so I came up with a strategy that would force Mr. Price's arm.

Ethan at that time was engaged to his soulmate , Sarah Reyno, they wanted a simple and private wedding , I wasn't planning on executing my plan until my dad ended up at the hospital due to a heart attack , Caitlyn and I would go to bed hungry every single night , it got to a point that I wasn't able to stand it , I was staring at my own reflection- thinking of how everyone will point fingers at us and make us the laughing stock of the entire world not only that -I was afraid my dad would go six feet under making us orphans , my dad's life being on the line is what pushed me over the edge, I felt something dark boiling up inside of me and before I knew it I was calling all the journalist I knew to give them the address to Ethan's wedding which was to take place, they had no clue about it so its obvious they wouldn't know who the bride was ... the next morning I went to the bridal shop to get a veil and to my advantage I knew where the bride was and all the trips she was going to take that very day before the actual wedding.

I was near her make up room after the artist was done beating her face and turning her into a doll , she chased everyone out of the room and that is when I took my opportunity , she had already drank the wine I mixed with pills so it was only a matter of time until she dozed off on her own .

I sneaked into her room and wore her dress covering my face with the veil, my face was weary and exposed the fact that I hadn't bathed in ages , when someone spoke to me I would nod or shake my head until I got to the alter , all the wedding processions took place , the media arrived the moment the preacher said , you may now kiss the bride , when Ethan removed the veil , he received the shock of his life and so did the media , rumors about us dating were already speculating so they weren't that surprised, soon enough they were flooding in his face with questions , he stuttered and when he finally looked at me , the pure hate he had reflected in his eyes , I knew right then things were never going to be the same.

his dad was just as angry but because the news was already out there's nothing they could do about it ,people were already talking and now that Ethan and I were married it meant that our name was now associated with theirs and in the world of business image is everything so they were forced to play happy and go ahead with the merger otherwise they would've been in danger of fall down the ranks , our name wouldn't come up on peoples lips without involving theirs , the merger was the only way they could stay on top and that's how Ethan and I got here .

I deceived him into marrying me even though I knew how much Sarah meant to him , I knew that my decision would cost him his happiness but out of desperation I still went ahead with it , but if I could go back in time I'd most probably use a different route but there wasn't any, Priyanka had built up concrete evidence that no one could oppose it, we know it wasn't true because we lived with them, she claimed that we knew everything about her being beaten every night and that we were in on it, I was barely 22 at that time . I will never forgive that woman .

I thought that since I knew Ethan better than anyone he'd understand why I did it and more importantly forgive me but I was wrong , my mistake turned him into this horrible heartless monster that I don't recognize and it gets worse everyday , his fake love and affection in public grows stronger everyday and behind closed doors his hatred and bitterness also grows even stronger up to a point where I feel like I am a dead man walking, since he knows me , he knows what I like and what I don't like, so he knows the exact ways he can torture me, in public he does what I like and in private does everything that stab my soul with the smallest yet sharpest knife .

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