chapter 11

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I'm busy tossing and turning in our bed , luckily for me once Ethan sleeps not even a sound can wake him up before he has slept for at least 4 hours , the reason I sleep with him in the same room is because he sometimes gets nightmares about his mother and starts sleep walking , whenever that happens I pray for him and he instantly comes back to his senses after that I make him his favourite coffee which calms him down ,he says he doesn't want food prepared by me but every time something like this happens he doesn't even think about turning the coffee made by my very hands down .

he blames me for everything that is why he doesn't appreciate what I do ' it's all happening because of me so it is my responsibility to do what I do without expecting a thank you' he says , I don't know what actually happens in his sleep that leads him to start walking and screaming 'please don't leave' , he never tells me but his adamant that its because of what I did ,I don't question him because his nightmares did start that very day Sarah left .

I keep thinking about Austin's plan ,a part of me wants to give it a shot but the other doesn't , I love Ethan , weird but thats the honest truth , he became a hero in my eyes the day he saved my mothers coffee shop despite what I cost him and not only that , he paid for my dads openheart surgery which amounted to about half a million ..... actually I think I fell in love with him when we were still friends , he was always there for me no matter the day or the hour but I was too dump to realise it .

I remember when he canceled his vacation with Sarah when the whole Priyanka drama started just so he could stay with me to make sure that I'm alright , he always puts others before him that is the kind of person he is on the other hand there's me and my selfishness which got us here today , truth is I took advantage of his kindness , if it were someone else I don't think I would've had the guts to do what I did .

and today I'm doing the same thing , I don't want to reach out to sarah or seem to want to give him the open relationship card, it might make him happy but it will crush me beyond repair, there's something that hurts about seeing the one you love happy with someone else .

Austin's last words are haunting me , if Ethan finds out he will kill me , he gets mad over cold coffee what more about infidelity, thats the only reason that is strong enough to make me agree , how could I even do that to him ...I am but a curse .

maybe its about time I return what I have stolen ....his joy , hence I will do it hopefully this works .


next morning ... I open my eyes and just as usual Ethan has already left , he left a note on the side of the lamp which states that I should wear appropriate clothes because the board members are coming , it has something to do with his project with Austin .

there's another note under it that says the house is dusty and that I need to clean every room before I leave , not only that I must also make certain that I arrive on time . when will I get the time to bath if I start by cleaning this whole house ?, he makes enough money to hire 20 thousand helpers but he'd rather have me do it that's just how evil he has become.

I am skeptical about Austin's plan because Ethan's heart has become so hardned I don't think even Sarah can change it .

I do as he asked which takes me longer than I expected , since I don't have much time left to bath I use my perfume as an alternative , put on my most expensive piece by Dora that Ethan bought for me at Paris fashion week to show off and continue selling his perfect husband image .

I call caitlyn to ask her to send Milos to the office with Ethan's coffee , my eyes are deeply trained on the road , lost in thought , things are just so complicated I don't know where and how to start, should I or should I not ?, What if he finds out about me and Austin ?,what's right?.

I arrive at the office and head straight to Penelope's desk , " goo......." she starts sneezing excessively ," sorry I just " she sneezes again , " no its fine just sign me in and I'll head straight to Mr Price's office for my tasks , drink a lot of water you'll be fine " I scurry away.

Miranda is sitting with Ethan in his office discussing whatever it is that they are discussing , Ethan sees me standing at the door and signals me not to come in by putting out his hand, he'll just call me if he needs me I say to myself heading straight to my storeroom slash office.

as I'm spinning around in my chair , I reflect on some of the moments Ethan and I shared when we were still friends , he used to say to me that he'd hire me as his accountant ,and place my desk right next to his once his dad makes him CEO but today I'm twirling in the storeroom ,and not only that -the company is in desperate need of an accountant since Mason left last minute Ethan hasn't been able to find his replacement.

someone knocks on my door and before I could let them in ,the door flings wide open .

I roll my eyes ," what are you doing here?" I ask .

" I work here now did you forget so quickly ?" he says with a huge smirk which is erased by his coughing , he starts coughing uncontrollably to a point where tears start running down his eyes , " are you okay " I stand from my chair .

" yes no I'm fine , I'll be back " he exits my office without shutting the door .

I shrug , ' I wonder what's wrong with everyone , first is was penelope with the sneezing and now Austin is coughing like the building is on fire ' .

hours have passed and Ethan hasn't given me my tasks for the day and the board meeting is about to take place any moment now .

30 minutes later he texts me to bring his files from his office and water for all the members .

I rush to his office and grab all the files he asked me to bring , the board members no longer ask me why I am never at the meetings , Ethan lied and said 'he doesn't want to stress his wife with all the statistics and unnecessary work, he prefers his throphy wife to be exactly that , sit and look pretty ' when they asked why I was the one serving drinks he said I volunteered because I felt bad for not having anything to do so it is my pleasure to serve them while they do all the work for me .

taking a huge breath in and pasting my smile on my face I make my way in the boardroom ,all the men and women dressed in suits turn their focus to me ,Austin is sitting next to Ethan , he's smiling at me making me nervous , he says something to me in silence , I can only see his lips moving but I can't make out what he is saying .

" good evening everyone " I nod lightly .

" it's afternoon actually my love " Ethan says scrolling through his tablet .

" oh yes , afternoon" , Austin laughs internally , physically he is very composed but his eyes give him away.

soon he starts coughing again , some of the board members join him , some use the side of their blazers to cover their nose , Ethan is glaring at me like he's about to kill me , he picks up his phone and starts typing furiously , the moment he puts it down mine pings with a noticification.


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