Chapter 8

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the flashing brightness forces me to squint , as I slowly open my eyes , I find myself in a beautiful all white and very spacious bedroom, the moment I sit up.... fear hits my throat .

Where am I ?, I can hear birds chipping ,as I scan around the bedroom I spot a man's drawer near the lamb on the side of the bed , I gasp loudly covering my mouth with my hands. on the brink of tears.

I Look at my legs to try and feel if anything is different but to no avail. I'm still fully clothed .

What the heck happened last night ?,how did I get here ? And who's house is this ?, I can't remember that much but I do remember dancing with three different strangers after I chased those girls away and everything after that is nothing but a blur ,my mind starts to race with all these different panicky questions as I hear clashes of utensils coming from a distance .

I've never been this scared in my life not even when I betrayed my friend .

I grab my keys next to the pillow. hop out of the bed and slide my shoes on .

After mistaking the guestroom for the exit , I gather my courage and walk stealthily towards where the noises are coming from .

Ethan is going to bury me alive if he finds out , "his wife slept with another man", although he doesn't consider me his wife he will be beyond furious because even though he doesn't love me , he has never even once come home smelling like another women , and the thing about being in the public eye is that news like affairs travel faster than lightening .

of course it's Austin's apartment, he is so focused on whatever is on the stove that I doubt he can see anything that happens on his left or his right, embarrassing is an understatement , I try to sneak to the door but he turns around with the pan in his hand ready to dish out the bacon , he lights up when he sees me .

" hey ,you are awake " he says warmly ,he looks cuter without his glasses and in his sleep wear .

" where is my car ?" .

He pauses " downstairs but.....".

I don't even want to ask how he managed to get it here ,"Great , I'm leaving " I say nonchalantly . I don't know how mortified I should be .

"I made breakfast don't you want to ..." he points at the plates on his far right , it has eggs and toasted bread ,next to the plates are two glasses of what looks like orange juice.

"come on just eat before you leave , are you scared your husband is going to turn you into minced meat ?" he asks mockingly.

I'm battling with myself if I should ask him what happened between us last night but I want to see myself out of here more than to ask him questions that will add to my guilt " I need to get to work ".

He sighs," so are you going to walk out of of here like nothing happened?" His puppy eyes expose the disappointment in his heart .

" what else did you expect from a married woman?" I say nonchalantly,like I'm not being eaten by the spirit of guilt , We are both breathing the same awkward air . I don't want him to get too familiar with me and start having any kind of hope about us .

He smirks ," this is not the conversation I imagined but ookayy , I get it " he shows me the door like I hadn't already seen it .

I stride to the door and leave without turning back or saying goodbye, I don't know why I thought he'd beg me not to go or something like that, he just doesn't strike me as the type that gives up easily.damn it. I bang my head on the steering wheel. His question clearly indicates that something did happen.

on my way back to Ethan's house I start recalling what actually happened but not to the fullest detail. whilst I was dancing with some guy Austin emerged out of nowhere and dragged me out of the club by force ,I don't know what happened to the others whether they left before or after me .

I remember Austin leading me to my car , he used the remote to spot it out of every car that was there , the next thing I knew he was on my seat driving my car and I was on the passengers seat , I started crying and going on and on about my marriage.

" if things are that bad Why don't you just leave?" he asked.

" If I leave he will reveal the truth and break off the merger deal and not only that my mom's coffee shop is in his name now because he stopped the bank from taking it the day after our wedding and my sister just so happens to love it with her entire being, my family will be ruined, we might face the fate we were originally going to face if I hadn't made that choice " I answered him sobbing , I later started telling him all about the cause of Ethan's sudden change which was Sarah Reyno .

"Wow" that's the only response that came from him .

He remained silent and after a while he said ," why don't you look for that girl and give him an open relationship pass ?" .

"What?" I sobered up for a second .

" if she's single she'll obviously agree and it can be a secret between the three of you, since your husband hates you that means he doesn't touch you so it won't be that much of an awkward situation " .

" you are being serious?" My brain experienced a secondary glitch .

" well yes ,why would I joke about something like this ?, the way you describe your husband I don't think anything else will move him , he'll probably stay mad at you even in the afterlife " he added.

He was right , since Ethan and I aren't really married it wouldn't hurt me to see them together ....I think.... and nothing would make Ethan happier than to see the love of his life and be with her again , I wonder why I never thought of this before?, it's strange how Ethan and I aren't really married but we are both faithful to each other, although I'm certain he remains faithful because he doesn't want to mess around with the wrong person and have his perfect husband cover blown .

Everything after that is still a blur , I don't know if I ended up agreeing to his plan and I also don't know if I slept with him or not , the thing is - I did not see any sign of guilt or mortification in his eyes I mean he of all people should remember everything that happened last night he and the fact that he slept with a married woman should make him feel less of a human right ?, but instead he was making breakfast like a loving husband.

all I know is that I wasn't in my right senses so if something like that had happened I know I wouldn't have resisted ,I just hope and pray that I never ever see him again.

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