The emporers plot

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|Belos's POV|

"So, philip, how are the preparations?" Collector asked.

"Good, so far, i've got a new palisman hunter to keep me alive until I can capture the human" I said.

"AND her friends, dont forget her friends" Collector said.

"Yes, tell me, why do we need them again? I thought we only needed the titans blood and the humans blood to fully unite the 2 realms" I asked.

"Sacrifices, philip, sacrifices" Collector said.

"Ahh, w- wait, why wouldnt we sacrifice the coven heads? They're the most powerful in the isles, right? I mean, of course i'd to anything to please the titan, but uhh... child murder?" I asked.

"Hee hee, no philip, youre wrong, the most powerful on the isles ARE the humans friends, yes, the children" Collector started.
"These children are known as 'avatars', sacrifices, to appease the titan and bring him to his full power"
"Amity blight, avatar of abomination.
Willow park, avatar of plant.
Gus porter, avatar of illusion.
Edric blight, avatar of oracle.
Emira blight, avatar of potions.
Viney dew, avatar of healing.
Tara clawthorne, avatar of bard.
Y/N clawthorne, avatar of beast.
Mattholomule jones, avatar of construction."

"Wow, all children, well, whatever the titan needs" I said.

"Yes, now, you have a few months to the day of unity, get the human, and her friends before then" Collector said.

"Noted" I said.

|Hunters POV|

"The emporer demands your presence" Kikimora said knocking on my door.

I got out of bed and walked my way to the throne room.

"Uncle" I said, bowing.

"Psshh, you always bow to your family members?" Icarus said walking in a standing next to me.

"Ha, yes, hes told to, and we all know hunter is fantastic at doing what hes told" Belos said.

"Alright old man, what do you need?" Icarus asked.

"Hmm" Belos groaned.
"The day of unity is a few months away, for it, we need the human and her friends, since hunter is close to them, I figured he would be excellent in bringing them in, and icarus, you could help"

"Wait! What about the palismans?" I asked.

"Oh dont worry about that, I have another person on palisman duty" Belos said.
"But please, get thr human and all her friends here before the day of unity arrives"

"Yes sir" I said.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Icarus said.

"Oh, and that means you'll be attending hexside, alongside hunter, icarus" Belos said.

"Yeah of course it does" Icarus grumbled.

Time skip

'What am I gonna do? Icarus is gonna make me take them in sooner, I thought we had more time to develop a plan or soemthing! Its either I expose myself to Icarus and be known as a traitor, or I take them all in, and ruin all my friendships, and lose my boyfrie- I mean Y/N' I thought.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Icarus asked.

"Huh? Oh nothing just.... plans.... for taking in the human and her friends.... yeah" I said awkwardly.

"Ya know we dont have to that right away? We could just enjoy our time at hexside, I could annoy my baby bro, you could make a friend other then darius, maybe I can talk with my cousin, who knows?" Icarus said.

"Who says I dont have friends other then darius?" I asked.

"Oh right, I forgot, hes not your friend, hes your dad, never mind" Icarus said.

"Dad?! What do you mean hes my dad? Since when was he my dad?" I asked.

"Probably ever since you called him dad? Just my guess" Icarus said.

"Wha- I never called him dad!" I said, embarrassed.

Icarus drew a circle of light and an illusion of me and Darius appeared.

"I'll tell you how it went when I get back! Thanks dad!" The illusion of me said, running off.

"Dad?" Darius whispered.

The illusion disappeared and Icarus was standing there smirking.

"You just made that up, now come on! We're here" I said, walking up to the school.

Tiny time skip

"Alright, now just go to the principles office and tell him which track you'd like to take" I said.

"My brothers in the construction track, so I think im gonna annoy him" Icarus said walking to principal bumps office.

I rolled my eyes and walked into beast-keeping class and sat down next to Y/N.

"Hello" Y/N said.

"Hey" I smiled.

Time skip

I was walking out of class when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey hunter" Y/N said.

"Hey Y/N, whats up?" I asked.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my house and.... hang out?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah sure! That'd be..." I said.
I looked over Y/N's shoulder and saw Icarus talking with a boy around gus's age, he seemed familiar but I couldnt figure it out.
"Umm... yeah, i'll meet you there" I said.

"Ok, i'll see you there" Y/N said, planting a kiss on my cheek and walking out of the school.

"Hey hunter" Alex said from behind me.

"Oh hey alex" I said.

"So are you and Y/N like.... dating?" They asked.

"Huh? W- why would you think that?" I asked awkwardly.

"I mean he did just kiss you but..." Alex said.

"Oh... yeah umm.... I dont really know?" I said.

"That helps" Alex said.

Alex looked over my shoulder to Icarus and their eyes widened.

"I umm... I gotta go" Alex said.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, im fine" They said, turning around and walking away quickly.

"Wierd" I said.

I walked over to Icarus.

"Hey hunter" Icarus said, resting his arm on the younger boys head.

"Hey! Hey! Get off me!" The boy said.

"Have you met my brother?" Icarus asked, pointing to the boy who was trying to squirm his way out from under him.

"Not personally, but he seems familiar" I said, pushing Icarus's arm off him.

"Hey, your gus's friend right?" The boy asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Im matt, gus's BEST friend" Matt said.

"Oh yeah! Your the one that the others talk about alot, your the one gus has a crush on right?" I asked.

"He- wha- cru- wha- I- what?" Matt stuttered.

"I think you broke him" Icarus said.

"Umm... anyways! I've got to get going, i'll see you tomorrow icarus" I said, walking away.


Heres chapter 25! 😁 also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😅

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