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I sat in beast-keeping class like usual, mindlessly petting the bird I had just summoned while staring at Hunter.

'How can one person be so cute?' I thought.
'Hes just so-'
'I cant believe I actually kissed him'
'I mean it wasnt a real kiss but still'
'He hugged me the other day, that was nice'
'I kinda want to hug him again'

*tap tap tap*

I looked up to see ms. Fangmire hovering over my desk.

"Hi" I said.

"Are you ok Y/N? You seem distracted" Ms. Fangmire asked.

"Uhh yeah... im fine, sorry" I said.

"Its ok" Ms. Fangmire said.

She walked off and I got back to my work, sneaking occasional glances at Hunter.

At one point we looked at each other at the same time and made eye contact, we smiled and waved at each other and got back to work.

'I think im gonna tell him today' I thought.
'No, what? Your crazy why would I tell him?'
'But if I never tell him then nothing will ever happen'
'But also if I never tell him then I wont get rejected'
'But then again I might never get the chance to tell him again'

Time skip

"Hey Y/N!" Hunter said.

"Hey Hunter!" I said.

"So uhh.... are you free to... hang out later?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, I just gotta go home and do some chores or else my mom will kill me" I chuckled.

"Ok, well just... message me on penstagram later then?" Hunter asked.

"Sure! I'll see you later" I said.

Time skip

"Hey mom! Im home!" I said.

"Hello Y/N, how was school?" Mom asked.

"Same as usual" I said.

I went up to my room, only to see Tara stood at my doorway with her arms crossed.

"Hey tara" I said.

"Hi" She smirked.

"Can I.... get through my door?" I asked.

"Whats this?" Tara asked, holding up my journal.

My eyes went wide as I saw her hold up my journal with a smug look on her face.

"You didnt read it did you?" I asked.

"Maaaaaaaybe, maaaaaaybe not" Tara said.

"Please say you didnt read it" I said.

"I read it" Tara smiled.

My face scrunched up as I embarrassingly walked past her.

"So, you got a crush on hunter huh?" Tara said.

"Shut up" I said, burying my face into a pillow.

"Hey its nothing to be embarrassed about! So are you gonna tell him?" Tara asked.

"I was actually planning on telling him today" I said.

"*gasp* YES! Do it, you need my help? Do you want me to give you advice? Just te-" Tara started.

"1. No, ive got this, 2. Im older then you, should I be giving YOU the advice?" I asked.

"Yeah whatever" Tara said.

Time skip


I looked at my window to see Hunter hovering in front of the window smiling.

"Hey Hunter" I said.

"Hey Y/N" Hunter said, crawling through my window.

He flopped down onto my bed and I laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said.

I closed the window and laid down next to him.

"So, whatcha want to do?" Hunter asked.

"I dont know, but uhh.... there is something I need to talk to you about" I said.

"Sure whats up?" Hunter asked.

"I-..... ugh fine.... guess i'll get it over with" I mumbled.
"Alright, look, I need you to promise me, that what im about to say wont impact our friendship at all, ok?"

"Of course it wont" Hunter said.

"Ok, so uhh..... I- I umm.... I really- god I cant do this" I said.

"Hey, look at me, you can do this, I dont know what your trying to say, but you can tell me anything, ok?" Hunter smiled.

Hunter held my hand in his, which made me zone out for a few seconds before I took a deep breath in.

"I-..... I really... really.... like you, hunter, like- like not just as a..... a friend" I admitted.
"I know..... I know you dont feel the same way, and I get.... if you dont want to be friends anymore"

All of a sudden Hunter kissed my cheek, leaving me somehow redder then before, while also looking simultaneously confused.

"..... believe it or not.... I.... I really like you too" Hunter said.

"What?" I asked.

Hunter smiled and nodded.

"I- I have... for a while now I just- didnt know how to say it" Hunter said.

We sat in awkward silence for a while before Hunter grabbed my other hand.

"So uhh.... what should we do now?" He asked.

"I- uhh..... I have an idea... but I- I dont know if its the best thing I-" I started.

"What?" Hunter asked.

"...... what-... what if we umm..... could we.... kiss?" I asked.

"Oh...... I- I mean yeah.... sure I guess" Hunter said.

We looked each other in the eyes for a few moments before we both started to lean forward.

Within a few seconds I closed my eyes as our lips met, my heart was going 1000 beats a minute while my mind couldnt stop producing new thoughts as I am obviously kissing my crush but whatever.

Hunter put his arm on top of mine while he leaned more into the kiss.

We finally seperated and placed our heads together.

"That was uhh...." I said.

"Nice?" Hunter said.

"Yeah..... nice" I said.

"Yo fartwad" Tara said opening my door.
"Woah what happened here?"

My eyes went wide and me and Hunter immediately seperated.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Mom needs your help downstairs" Tara said.

I looked over at Hunter and then got up and walked downstairs to help mom.

|3rd person POV|

"So...... you kissed him?" Tara asked.

"What?! Where'd you get that idea? I- I dont even! How- what?!" Hunter asked.

"Dont play dumb" Tara said.
"Look, I dont mind if you two.... date.... or something like that but know this, if you hurt my brother, I wont hesitate to strangle you with my violin strings, is that clear?"

"Y- yes" Hunter said.

"Good" Tara smiled.


Heres chapter 18! 😁 also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😅

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