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"Your gonna regret that" I said.

I took out a light glyph and activated it, blinding the basilisk and making it stumble backwards, I took out a fresh sheet of paper and drew an ice glyph, I activated that one too and it hit the basilisk in the stoumach hard enough to spill the magic back out, the energy returned back to Amity and Y/N and they woke up.

|Y/N's POV|

My eyes fluttered open and I was met by Hunter hovering over me.

"AHHH" I screamed, he fell backwards.

"Sorry" We said at the same time.

"Alright, now that thats dealt with, can we please get out of here?" Luz asked.

"Yes, please" I said.

"We'll have to fly out, now, to avoid what happened last time, here" Hunter said, tossing Luz and Amity the rope.

Tiny time skip

We were all tied together, Amity took out her staff and she and Luz hopped on, Hunter summoned his as well.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna fly with us?" Hunter asked.

"Oh uhh.... I dont actually have a palisman so..... no?" I said.

"Oh well uhh.... hop on I guess" Hunter said, gesturing to the spot behind him.

I gave a nervous laugh and sat on the staff behind him, after double checking the rope all 4 of us flew off, and out of the forest.

Another tiny time skip

"AHHH" I screamed.
"Do you- AHHH- have to go that fast?"

"Haha! If it keeps freaking you out, then yeah!" Hunter said as he started flying faster.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" I asked.

Hunter just shrugged and flew under a tree, the branch just barely missing the top of my head.

"AHHH" I screamed as I wrapped my arms around hunter in fear.

"Haha! You scaAaAaAaAred?" Hunter teased.

"Shut up! You were scared in the forest!" I said.

Hunter opened his mouth to say something, then gave me an annoyed look and kept flying.

Yet another tiny time skip

We finally landed in front of the school, we were laughing at something Luz had said before I felt something glaring at me.

I turned around and was met by Tara watching us.

"Oh hey Tara, oh yeah! Guys, this is my little sister, Tara" I said.

"Hello!" Tara waved.

"Uhh.... well uhh these are my friends- I mean- we've never said we're friends or- uhh- im embarrasing myself again" I said.

Luz chuckled and stepped in front of me.

"We're Y/N's friends, im luz, this is my girlfriend amity, and this is an idiot" Luz said.

"Hey!" Hunter yelled.
"My name is hunter"

"Haha, well hello everybody!" Tara said.
"Anyways, uhh look, I didnt see you at school today, and mom wondered where you were, I obviously didnt know and-"

"Y/N CLAWTHORNE!" Mom yelled.

"Sorry" Tara whispered.

"Where were you?!" Mom asked.

"I uhh" I said.

"This is your second day here, and you're already skipping school?! What kind of a child did I raise?!" Mom asked.

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