New spells

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"Ugh, im terrible at abominations" I said as I stared sadly at my droopy puddle of abomination goo.

"Im not one to critisize, but I think you should consider a different track" Luz said.

"Yeah, I thought I was getting good at it last week when we fought the basilisk, but then it just went downhill from there" I said.

"Hey! How about today we try out a bunch of new tracks until we find the one your the best at?" Luz asked.

"Really? You'd do that?" I asked.

"Yeah! I take every track so all we have to do is ask principle bump if you can switch at the end of the day!" Luz said.

"Awesome!" I said.

Time skip

"3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1" I whispered, flicking my fingers around.

I made a circle of light with my finger and waved it in front of me.

"3.... 2.... 1!" I said.

2 clones of me appeared on my sides, I smiled proudly.

"Illusion magic! Im better at it then I thought I would be!" I said.

"Yeaaaah, check again" Gus said, pointing to my clones.

I looked over and saw the one on the right with no legs and no face, I looked left and saw it with an upside down face and the legs and arms switched.

"Figures" I said.

Time skip

I held the crystal ball in my hand and drew a circle of light with my finger, my eyes glowed as I had a vision, it was blurry at first and then I saw luz, walking along a path, after a few seconds, she tripped, then my vision returned to normal.

"Luz! Your gonna trip, I dont know when, but you will!" I said proudly.

"I tripped yesterday" Luz said.

"*sigh* figures, guess oracle magics not right either" I said.

Time skip


"........ well im never making potions again" I said.

Time skip

"I dont think plants are your thing" Willow said gesturing to me who was covered in leaves and thorns.

"Yeah, guess not" I said, spitting out a leaf.

Time skip

"Yep! Yep! Uhh huh! Yeah sounds so good!" Luz groaned as she covered her ears from my awful music skills.

"Dont lie, I know it sounds terrible" I said, putting down my violin.

"I wasnt- ok, I was lying" Luz said.
"So which track do you want to try next?"

"Well I've tried every other thing at my old schools, the only thing I havent tried is beast-keeping" I said.

"Then lets try that! Hey I heard hunter is hanging out in there today" Luz winked.

"Ok? Why should I care where hunter hangs out?" I asked.

"Oh, I uhh- I thought you had a thing for him or something" Luz said.

My eyes went wide and my face went red.

"W- why would you think that?" I asked.

"Oh no reason" Luz giggled.

I brushed off her wierd behavior and we walked to the beast-keeping track.

"And as you can see- oh! Hello luz!" The beast-keeping teacher said.

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