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"Amity!" I yelled.

"What?" Amity asked.

"So we're like.... best friends right?" I asked.

"I mean I thought Hunter was your best friend, but yeah sure we're best friends" Amity said.

"So like... I can tell you anything right?" I asked.

"I guess" Amity said.

"K.... so uhh.... I.... have a crush on Hunter" I said.

"Tell me something I dont know" Amity said.

".......... we kissed" I said.

Amity's eyes went wide and she turned towards me.

"WHAT?! YOU WHAT?!" Amity yelled.

"Yeah, but that was like a week ago! And we havent even talked about it, actually, we havent even talked at all, just awkward waves an-" I started.

"Wait! Can I tell my brother?" Amity smiled.

"Why would you want to do that?" I asked.

"Because! It'll break his heart to know that hunter likes someone else! And then he'll stop swooning over him 24/7" Amity said.

"No! I dont want to ruin our sort of- kind of- little friendship, especially after I practically ruined me and hunters" I said.

"Why do you think you ruined your friendship with hunter?" Amity asked.

"I dont know, I just wish we could talk about it" I said.

|Hunters POV|

I knocked on Darius's door, impatiently waiting for him to open it.

"*yawn* hunter, what do you need? Its my day off I need my beauty rest" Darius asked.

"Darius! Your up! I need to talk to you" I said, pushing past him and into his room.

Darius rolled his eyes and closed the door.

"What do you need?" He asked.

"Alright," I took a deep breath.
"So basically I had a crush on this guy, his names Y/N, and hes related to Eda, basically what happened is he imvited me over to his house a little while ago where we both confessed our feelings for each other and he kissed me, I thought it was pretty nice but we havent talked to each other since it happened and its been like a week, I dont know what happened, was I a bad kisser or something? Like yeah it was my first kiss but it wasnt THAT bad, does he not like me anymore? Why wouldnt he? I think I did something wrong, I dont whats going on and I just want to talk to him again, but its been too awkward to say anything, what should I do? Should I talk to him first? Or wait for him to talk to me? Or do we just live our lives not being friends anymore? Im freaking out Darius I dont wanna lose him!"

Darius just stared at me, a look of tired confusion on his face.

"So, your saying that your crush kissed you" Darius asked.

I nodded in reply.

"And your upset about it because its been too awkward to say anything" Darius asked again.

Another nod.

"Even though he likes you back?" Darius asked.

I nodded again.

"Thats...... so dumb" Darius said.
"Just talk to him, it cant be that bad"

"I know I should I just..... im nervous" I said.

"Bitch, you've already kissed him, just do it, and get out of my room" Darius said.

Time skip

|Y/N's POV|

I grabbed my books from my desk and began walking to lunch, I noticed Hunter following behind me, so I tried not to look at him.

I got to the lunchroom and sat down at our usual table, next to Amity and Luz who were already there.

"Hey amity" I said.

"Hey Y/N" Amity said.

"Hey lu-" Hunter started.
"Y/N..... hi"

"Hi" I said.

"Hey luz, can I talk to you for a sec.... alone?" Amity asked.

"Yeah sure wh- AHH" Luz said as Amity pulled her away from the table.

"Wonder what thats about" Hunter said as he sat down next to me.

I hummed in response and we sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Hey Y/N?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"So uhh.... can we..... talk about what happened?" Hunter asked.

"Oh... yeah... that" I said.
"Umm.... sure"

"..... I- im sorry.... I guess" Hunter said.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"Its just... we havent talked for like a week since it happened, a- and I really wanted to, I- I really like you, a- and I dont want things to be awkward between us, and I still want to be friends 'cause-.... 'cause I care about you, more then I thought ok? And I dont want anything to change" Hunter blurted out.

"I-.... I really like you too..... but...... I dont know its just... wierd" I said.

"Kissing me was wierd?" Hunter asked.

"No no no! I- I mean.... its wierd knowing you like me back ya know? Like I didnt think you would ever like me... like that" I said.

"Haha.... to be honest I didnt think you would like me like that either" Hunter said scratching the back of his neck.

"....... so uhh..... it- it doesnt have to be wierd or.... awkward? Anymore?" I asked.

"Nope" Hunter smiled.

"Good" I said.

"....... so...... do you wanna maybe- i mean- uhh.... do you wanna maybe go out?.... sometime?" Hunter asked.

"Really?!" I asked, probably sounding way too excited.
"I- I mean.... yeah... sure I guess"

"Ok.... uhh i'll message you on penstagram later, and maybe umm... set up a- a date?" Hunter asked.

'Date?! Did he say date?! Oh my god oh my god oh my god! Ok ok ok, calm down' I thought.

"Uhh... yeah that.... sounds nice" I said.

"Sorry guys" Amity and Luz said, sitting back down.

"No no.... its fine" I said, shooting a quick glance and a smile towards Hunter.


Heres chapter 19! 😁 also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😅

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