Chapter 41

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It was true. I was leaving in 3 days. My travel plans were booked, and I would be flying first to Europe to explore a few countries over there. Italy was first. Honestly I couldn't think of starting off somewhere worst. Italy was known as the country for love. And quite frankly that was the last thing I wanted to see and be a part of right now. But I had to go. My Brothers wouldn't let me stay. They knew this could be a good thing for me to do, and I secretly knew it too.

"So are you excited?" asked Seb some time later

"Yeah I guess" I replied swirling my food around my plate.

"What are you looking forward to the most?" said Jace

"Getting away from you two" I quickly answer back with a sarcastic tone

"There she is. Maya's back" said Seb leaning over to mess up my hair whilst he laughed along with Jace


It was Monday morning. My bags were packed. 

It had taken me 2 days to get the courage to leave my bed again and start packing for my long trip. I was excited to go. But that didn't stop the sadness Noah had still left me with and the panic that I was feeling about going travelling by myself. 

But I, Maya Grace Adams was going to do this. And I was going to have the time of my life. 

As I would be travelling to several different countries, continents and climates I had to be clever about what I packed. Space was limited so I was only able to take a handful of outfits, necessities and shoes. The rest I would have to buy as and when I needed it on my travels. 

I thought I would have heard from Noah. Even a message wishing me luck but nothing. I kept telling myself it was for the best, but there was a big part of my that just didn't believe my own words. 

"May, are you ready to go? You don't want to miss your flight!" shouted Seb from where he was downstairs. 

"I am coming, chill your beans" I called back

I took one last look at my room. Not knowing what my plans were once I returned to California after my trip. I had grown up so much here. The last 9 months with my brothers had been the turning point in my life. No longer a silly teenager with no ambitions, here I was setting off on the biggest adventure I had ever been on... and all by myself too. 

I picked up my bag and headed down the stairs. Tears beginning to form as I saw my brothers waiting for me. I was going to miss them. I just hoped I could do all of this without them. 

"Come on baby sister. Let's go" said Jace putting his arm around me noticing my upset and leading me to the car. This was it. I was leaving California. 


We arrived at the airport and my brothers lead my to the security gates. 

"I am going to miss you both. I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me" I spoke first

"We are sorry Maya, sorry it didn't work out with Noah" Seb replied quietly "I am going to miss you so much" he pulled me into a bone crushing hug 

"I love you Maya. You and your troublesome ways" Said Jace now taking his turn to pull me into his arms

I giggled. I sure did test the limits during my time in California. My brothers put up with a lot!

Saying one final goodbye, I left them at the gate and made my way through security. 

I was going to do this! First stop.... Italy !

Waiting for my plane felt like hours, when in reality it was only a couple. Finally, my flight to Rome was called. This was it. 

Walking onto the plane after presenting my ticket, all I had was a small carry on bag and my phone after checking in my travelling backpack earlier. I was definitely feeling nervous and apprehensive but a slight sense of excitement was starting to ease its way in too!

I sat down towards the back of the plane, hoping to get some sleep as it was a long flight. Secretly hoping the person sitting next to me would not want to socialise either so I could just be in my own little bubble for a little bit longer. Putting my headphones on, I began to play the new Taylor Swift album. That was all that I had listened too over the past month since Noah, it made me feel some sort of comfort. And I needed that comfort right now too. I leant against the window in the hope to fall asleep before we took off.

Over my loud music I heard a cough, ignoring it I continued to lean against the window and shut my eyes. 

I heard another cough and looked up from my seat. 

"Is this seat taken?" 

Only one chapter left! How is it going to end for Maya?

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