Chapter 18

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I woke the next morning to the most intense and painful stomach cramps. Mother nature had graced me with her presence today of all days. Not only was it the start of the weekend but I had a party to attend tonight. Normally the first day of my cycle was the worst, and I knew I was about to spend all day curled up in bed. 

I got out of bed going to the toliet and putting on a pair of Seb's Nike trackies and a baggy t-shirt. Today was not the day to wear something cute. 

I text Seb, wanting something from the kitchen but knew it my stomach wasn't ready to move just yet. 

*Sebby* I messaged 

*What do you want * he said bluntly 

*Please can you get me a hot water bottle and a tub of ice cream*

Knowing he would read that and knew what it meant, I snuggled back under the covers. When my brothers still lived at home, they would look after me every time my period came. The first time, they were slightly horrified that their baby sister was becoming a woman. But after that it became a routine. They would bring me chocolate and magazines in bed, and in return I let them stay with me and watch a film. 

*2 minutes* he replied and I smiled

Turning on my TV and putting on Beauty and the Beast; mine and Jace's favourite, I got comfy in bed. 

"Just go in there. Don't be a pansy Jace" said Noah behind my door 

"You don't know what she's like man, when she's on her period she's either a moody cow or she is like a baby and you just don't know which version of Maya you're going to get that day"

"Open the door you twats, my hands are full" Seb spoke 

The boys continued back and forth behind my door, probably not realising I can hear them. 

"Will you just hurry up, my tummy is in knots" I said letting out a groan

The door was pushed open and the 3 boys fell through the door. Seb carrying my hot water bottle and a mug of hot cocoa. Noah had a tub of ice cream and some chocolate. Jace carried the spoons. Sure, you're probably thinking that ice cream first thing in the morning was a bit strange, but on a day like today I wasn't going to say no. 

Seb and Jace sat down on my bed and got comfy. 

"You can sit down Noah" I said patting the bed next to me whilst he looked at me unsure "I won't bite" I finished, laughing 

"Is this what you losers do?" he asked mockingly at my brothers 

"Dude, when  girl is on her period you should treat her like a princess and do what she wants to do" Seb laughed back 

"Right" Noah said taking a seat next to me. He sat close enough that I could hear him breathe and I wanted to reach out to run my hand up and down his arm. But with my brothers lounged in front of us I thought it may look suspicious if they happened to turn around. Instead he leaned down to whisper in my ear. 

"I always treat you like a princess" he said and kissed me quietly on the cheek before pulling away again. 

Oh how I wish I could just cuddle into him. He could rub my tummy whilst feeding me ice cream and I would sit between his legs leaning back against his chest. One day maybe, just not today. 

"What is this shit anyway" Noah said 

"You have seen Beauty and the Beast!" exclaimed Jace "Noah man come on!"

Noah just laughed. I guess without any younger siblings, watching a girly Disney film wouldn't have been on the bad boys list of agendas. Still, he sat quietly watching the film. Every now and again he would 'accidentally' touch me or brush my arm. 

The film finished and the ice cream had disappeared too. I looked to my left and Noah was asleep, leaning back slightly on my pillows and his mouth slightly ajar. 

Seb and Jace got up, realising Noah had fallen asleep they moved quietly. 

"I think I may try and nap too"  I said, my eyes too were beginning to droop. Jace went to wake up Noah "Its alright" I said "You can leave him there, I don't mind" I turned over and pulled the duvet up to my chin. Trying to convince them to leave us to 'sleep'

"Alright Maya, Hope you feel better when you wake" Seb said and then walked out with Jace, shutting the door. 


I really did intend to have a nap. But that wish was short lived. 

I was gently pulled into a warm body, Noah's to be exact, and he nuzzled his head into my neck.

"mmmm, I could get used to this" he said kissing my shoulder

"Sshhh, I am trying to sleep" I said quietly. This was the my first 'spooning' experience and with the big spoon being Noah, I wasn't about to complain. 

"I know something else I would rather be doing" Noah whispered in my ear. He squeezed my body tighter and started trailing kisses all over my body 

"Remember why you're in my bed in the first place Noah?" I said rolling over to look at him 

His eyes went wide and he looked towards my lower region

"Oh yeah sorry princess" he said "Does it feel any better?"

"A little yeah"

Feeling confident I pushed him back against the bed and climbed onto his lap looking into his blue eyes and leaning forward till my lips reached his. Noah was a good kisser, in fact he was the best kisser. The best I have ever had that is for sure. I hope he thought I was okay too, he definitely had more experience than me and that bothered me a bit. I didn't regret still being a virgin, but I wondered if it made him think differently of me. 

Things got hot and heavy real fast. He flipped me over and started to undo my shirt buttons. Caressing my breasts slightly as he went. 

"Oh Maya Grace, look at what you've done" he said. His eyes leading mine in the direction of his now very tight tracksuit bottoms. 

I smirked knowingly, pulling his lips back down to kiss mine. I could feel his budge between the sheets and It was a major turn on. One I couldn't act on due to my earlier predicament. His hands still on my breasts, he rolled me onto my side, spooning me again and began rubbing my tummy, kissing my neck. 

Who said romance was dead? 

"I should go before your brothers get suspicious" Noah said giving me one final kiss and walking towards the door, adjusting his bottoms on the way

"Miss you already" I said in response quietly 

He winked and closed the door. Oh he was cute. 

Up next; does Maya go to the party? What happens?

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