Chapter 14

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It was Friday. Friday evening to be exact and school had finished for the week. My first few days had gone by pretty uneventful. I had made the cheerleading squad, though I had no doubt that I wouldn't, being that Ella is captain. The 6 of us would hang out every lunch time on the bleachers outside, the boys quickly becoming close friends too. Teachers were teachers, the same sort you get everywhere. The stares, whether that was because of 'those 3 boys' or just because I was the new girl were beginning to be less frequent too. Which made me feel relieved. 

Tonight I was having a quiet night in before meeting my friends at the beach tomorrow to celebrate my first week at school. My brothers had agreed to stay in too. I didn't ask Noah but I am sure they did. 

Walking downstairs there were three things I noticed about the 3 boys sat around the front room. Firstly, the only space left was next to Noah. Secondly, he was shirtless. And lastly, all the boys had a beer. 

"Can I grab a beer too, they're in the fridge right?" I said confidently, hoping they would let me have one. It was friday after all. 

At the same time both my brothers said NO, Noah said sure. 

"Well Noah said yes so I am sure that is good enough" I said smirking and walking into the kitchen to find them 

"Don't listen to Noah, he is a bad influence. And while you're at it Noah, go and put a shirt on" Seb said looking back and forth between me and the shirtless hunk on the sofa

Rolling my eyes at them I grabbed a soda out the fridge and went back to sit next to Noah. 

"It's nothing she hasn't seen before" Noah said "She caught me naked the other day, now that was a moment I'd like to relive" he continued, laughing 

I threw a pillow at him 

"Oh dear god. My little sisters innocent eyes" replied Jace

Seb sat there quietly, not quite sure on the context of the situation. 

"Don't worry guys, I was in the pool and she walked out on me. I covered up when she saw me" He said, almost sounding disappointed 

"Jeeez Noah, cover up next time yeah" Jace said

We all finally agreed on a movie about half an hour later. The 'babadook' being the choice for this evening. A horror, something I insisted on. Not wanting to watch a romance film with my brothers and Noah. But the latter seemed a bit unsure on my choice. He was scared and the film hadn't been started. This was going to be fun. 

I got up to turn the lights off to enhance the mood of the film, and grabbed some popcorn from my brothers bowl. 

With my legs stretched out to the side of me, not quite reaching Noah, I threw a blanket over us, knowing I would want to hide under it at some point. My brothers sat on the opposing sofa at either end, with a bowl of popcorn in the middle. 

Not more than 15 minutes into the film I felt Noah pull my feet onto his lap and he started to rub them. Turning round slightly to look at him, he winked at me, knowing the effect this would have on me. 

Every time something remotely scary happened in the film I could feel Noah jump and then quickly and tightly hold onto my leg. The bad boy sex god is scared. This was funny. 

Though not at all scared myself, I was going to take advantage of watching a scary film. Making sure my brothers were engrossed in the screen, I repositioned myself closer to Noah. Now leaning my body onto his and grabbing his hand underneath the blanket. He squeezed it reassuringly. 

"Not scared are you Noah bear?" I whispered in his ear mockingly 

"Don't know what you're talking about princess" he replied, keeping his eyes glued to the movie

Noah let go of my hand and placed his on the inside of my thigh. He began rubbing his hand up and down soothingly. 

Though I had got with many guys back home in Texas, this certainly felt the most intimate. His big hand on my bare thigh, and my shoulder leaning against his topless chest. 

I was crushing hard. 

Could we really hide this from my brothers? 

Looking over at them I noticed they had both fallen asleep. What lightweights. It was a Friday night, they were 22 and 23 your old boys and they were fast asleep.

I tried to keep my eyes on the film, but Noah's roaming hand was getting more and more distracting. I realised Noah was no longer watching, instead his eyes were on me. 

He ducked his head down to whisper in my ear

"You're so cute do you know that?" I looked up at him unsure of what he meant "Your little squirms when my hand goes up to high are adorable" 

I could tell my cheeks flushed red and I felt embarrassed. I think I was just in disbelief that this 22 year old gorgeous guy was interested in me, a 17 year old rebellious and inexperienced girl with 2 over protective brothers that happened to be his best friends. Or maybe he was just using me 

He didn't pull his head up, instead keeping it there to bury into the crook of my shoulder. Already feeling unsure of how to respond, Noah started placing small kisses on my neck. 

"You're so beautiful princess" he said finishing with one last kiss on my cheek 

"I can't do this Noah. I don't want to be just another fuck and dump" I said with a little bit of anger pushing him away

I stood up and went to have a shower, the credits rolling on the film, not that I had payed attention for at least the last 20 minutes. 

Washing off the feeling of Noah's hands on my legs,  I stayed under the shower for a while. Stepping out my ensuite door once I had done my nighttime facial rituals I saw Noah lying on my bed. 

"Is that what you really think of me?" he asked looking disappointed

"I don't know what to think Noah" I said walking over to the corner of my bed and sitting down "My brothers told me about what you are like. You have a reputation, I have nothing." 

He moved closer to me and took my face in his big hands

"Maya Rose Adams" he said, clearly quoting what my brothers have said over the last few weeks "I like you. You are not like those other girls. I already call you my princess. I'll prove you wrong Maya Adams"

With that he kissed me again on the cheek and walked out my room not looking back. 

Well that has confused me. I really wanted to trust him. To fall even harder for him than I already had. But I couldn't help think about my brothers and what they had said specifically about getting my heart broken. 

Next Up; How does Maya respond?

Bad Boy Brothers, little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now