Chapter 8

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"Maya, are you even listening to me?" Said Jace the next morning at breakfast

"Huh what?" I responded wearily. They'd woken me up early this morning saying we should go out for breakfast. So here we are the 4 of us sat round a table at a local diner, me squished into the side of the booth by Noah who was taking up far too much room for my liking.

"We are going out tonight, to a mates house. We will be back late" he said "You've for the girls coming round right, so you'll be okay for the night? We will probably be back around 2am is that okay?

"Sure" I responded still half asleep. It would be nice to have the girls there with no distractions. Normally when my friends came to my parents house they would spend the whole time oogling at my brothers and their mates, so this worked well.

"But no boys Maya Moos. They are strictly forbidden" said Noah butting in

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my pancakes, mentally reminding myself to text the girls to bring their bikinis so we can hang out in the pool too.

I was looking forward to tonight, hanginifn out with my new friends and getting rid of my brothers and jerk face for a few hours would be nice too.


My brothers and Noah left around 6, saying the party started early and they needed to go and buy some booze.

By the time Ella and Grace came the sun was beginning to set and we decided to hang out in the pool whilst waiting for our pizzas

"So Maya" Grace started "Who was that totally gorgeous boy you left with from the party on Thursday? He was fit as" she giggled

"He's hot alright" I started "but he's a total jerk. He's my brothers roommate. You know I said I just moved in with my brothers?" They nodded "Well he lives here with us. Noah his name is, I have to admit I am majorly crushing but he treats girls like trash so I'm staying clear"

Ella and Grace were amused.

"God living with 3 total sex gods must be hard work Maya" Grace laughed at me "Your brothers are totally fine too, I saw some pictures on our way in" she finished

I rolled my eyes. Totally glad that none of the 3 weren't here right now. I think Grace and Wlla would be all over them. I didn't know the girls that well yet but enough to know they were popular and knew a fit guy when they saw one.

We continued lounging around the pool, bringing out the pizza when it arrived. Lying on the sun loungers we began to eat.

The girls filled me in on the gossip from school, saying how Flynn was the jock around campus with the other two boys not far behind. You could tell Ella had a thing for Kai but she didn't admit it. They were both on the cheer team too,  Ella was captain, making me feel more comfortable and confident in my chances of making the team this year.

"Where is the party at bitches! " yelled someone walking through the back door of our house

Noah. Great.

Noah walked in looking all hunky with a tight fitted white shirt on and low cut black ripped jeans. He was delicious.

"What do you want Noah?" I asked slightly annoyed that he turned up and ruined my girls night

"Now now princess that's no way to treat me someone who's bought you a present" he smirked hiding something behind his back

"Fine dick face, this is Ella" I said pointing in her direction "and that is Grace. Now, what do you want"

"Well Princess, I snuck away to give you this" he hands over a bag filled with bottles of beer
"Now don't drink as many as you did the other night, and make sure you hide the evidence in my room once you're done with them"

I smirked, remembering the state into at the beach when Noah found me. "You're the best Noah Thankyou" I said getting up to give him a hug

"No sweat" he replied "Have fun ladies, not too much fun though" he then looked at me "any issues Maya, call me, I added my number to your phone the other night when you were asleep"

He walked off acting all macho in front of my friends. Giving his man bum an extra wiggle on the way out just like I did on the beach on our trip together.

"Girrrrllll" Grace said "You totally have the hits for him. You're cheeks are so rosy right now it's so cute" she said laughing

"Yeah yeah" I said giving her a playful shove to the side "he's off limit though, my brothers would kill me"

"Oh well, totally worth it for a guy like that" Ella added

"Believe  me" I said "You haven't met my brothers. They're scary as fuck"

The pizza was finished shortly after and we made our way inside with our newly aquatinted bag of beer.

"Alright girls, truth and dare?" I asked holding up the bag smiling

"Sure" they both said with a smirk, following me in the direction of the lounge.

Next Up; What happens in the game of truth and dare?

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