Chapter 36

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My eyes were beginning to feel heavy.

"I love you Maya Grace. Don't you ever forget that"


Christmas arrived. 

We had planned a bbq for our Christmas just the four of us and had decided just to get each other a small little gift. 

The air blew slightly colder today so I dressed in my ripped jeans and baggy jumper today, knowing I would be cold outside. Sure, it was nothing compared to the weather in Texas but it was certainly cooler than the usual Californian sun. 

After a lazy morning watching various old Christmas films on the tv, we gathered round our small, and slightly sad looking tree to open some presents. 

Seb got me some new air pods, after his fat ass sat on my last pair of headphones I definitely deserved to get these! Jace got me some tickets to the local arcade, something we used to do a lot together when we lived at home with our parents. I was chuffed with them. 

Noah and I had agreed to keep things simple. Our first Christmas together, and both of us were trying to save some money. Me for my infamous future plans, and I think Noah wanted to get his own place soon. 

I bought him a gold chain. Something sentimental and meaningful. Something I knew he would remember and keep for years to come and I knew it would always remind him of me. 

Noah bought me a trip to the aquarium. Something I had said for months that I wanted to do but we never had found the right time. I loved getting trip and adventure days for presents, sometimes physical gifts get forgotten and overlooked. I knew a day out with Noah was all I wanted. 

"Thanks baby" I said leaning over to give Noah a quick peck on the cheek 

"We go next week" he said proudly. 


The day continued with Christmas festives. Eating Christmas dinner outside was definitely a first for me but one I knew I would remember forever. 

It felt strange not to have my parents here. My first Christmas without them too, but it was also my first Christmas with Noah. I just hoped it wouldn't be the last. 

"What are you hoping for next year May? What do you want to achieve?" Asked Seb looking at me whilst we ate

"I'm going to finish school and run away with the circus" I said mockingly

Joining the circus was part of my latest thoughts. If I really had no other ideas, maybe it was worth a try! 

"Come on, be serious" Seb continued 

"I don't know if I am honest"

"Life will take you where you need to go" said Noah reaching over to hold my hand "And I will follow" he whispered that last part but that didn't mean my brothers didn't hear it 

"Alright alright. Save the sappiness for when we can't hear you" said Jace

I stuck my tongue out at both my brothers. 

I loved Noah. I knew I had to tell him soon, but I wanted to make it special. I decided I would ask the girls their advice on how to say it to him. I'd text them tomorrow once Christmas was over. 

Just a short filler chapter! Update coming soon. 

What will happen at the aquarium? Will Maya tell Noah that she loves him?

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