Chapter 37

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"Life will take you where you need to go" said Noah reaching over to hold my hand "And I will follow" he whispered that last part but that didn't mean my brothers didn't hear it

"Alright alright. Save the sappiness for when we can't hear you" said Jace

I stuck my tongue out at both my brothers.

I loved Noah. I knew I had to tell him soon, but I wanted to make it special. I decided I would ask the girls their advice on how to say it to him. I'd text them tomorrow once Christmas was over. 

The New Year began and today was our trip to the aquarium. Noah had woken me up this morning by planting little butterfly kisses on my cheek and neck. 

"Come on sleeping beauty" he whispered "We have a big day planned" 

Soaking in the moment I tried to pretend I was still asleep. 

"I know you're awake Maya your breathing has changed" he continued to say between kisses "The tickle monster is coming"

"Alright I'm up, I'm up" I said sitting up abruptly and rubbing my eyes. I think I must've been the most ticklish person ever, and Noah knew this. 

Noah laughed and gave me a proper kiss

"Ewwww" he looked at me laughing as I spoke "Morning breath" 

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand

"Hey Princess" he started as he was leaving the room "Wear that cute blue dress with the butterflies. That's my favourite" he walked out but not before sending me one last glance and a wink. 

I rolled my eyes and fell backwards onto my bed. This boy was going to be the death of me. 

We arrived at the aquarium and walked in. My hand firmly gripped in Noah's. We had been on several dates together now, but none with an adventure quite like this one. 

"Where to first?" he asked sweetly. Who would have thoguht that Noah could be such a gentleman and care so much. He was just another hot  player looking guy when I met him, he really had changed. 

"Can we go and see the sting rays?" I replied "They're my favourite"

"To the sting rays" he pointed and pulled me forwards in the direction. He was so cute. I chuckled. 


We were eating lunch infant of the penguin exhibit. Noah had packed the cutest little picnic for us to share. PB&J Sandwiches, some chips and some fresh fruit. Who even is this boy and why couldn't I find him sooner! 

"Are you having fun?" I asked Noah, with a mouthful of food 

"That's cute" he laughed "I am having the best time" 

We both smiled at each other knowingly. I hope this feeling lasts forever. 

"I have something to tell you" I said looking down at my hands nervously. I didn't know if he felt the same way. What if he rejected me and just made this out to be some sort of fling. "Not hear though" 

We packed up the picnic, most of it now all gone. I dragged Noah by the hand towards the big fish Aquarium. 

Standing in the middle of this huge room was a large glass cylinder aquarium full of every fish you could imagine. Coral lay at the bottom of the tank, a range of different colours. The fish swam around peacefully, like they weren't being watched by hundreds of people every day. 

The room was filled with various groups of people. Some sat on benches eating, others were by the glass with their kids trying to stop them tapping at the glass. I laughed. I turned my attention back to Noah. It was now or never. 

"What is it princess?"  He turned towards me and held my hand in his. 

"I love you" I stopped. "I love you Noah" 

It was as if time stood still and everyone around us disappeared. I looked at Noah and he was just staring right back at me. I had blown it. Noah wasn't going to say it back. He didn't feel the same, he clearly didn't love me. 

"Maya are you listening" he said pulling me out of my trance

My eyes beginning to water as I knew what was coming

"I love you too Maya Grace Adams" 

He took my other hand and pulled me towards him. He wrapped me in the warmest embrace and looked down at me.

"I love you too" I said back to him "I am so in love with you" I finished

In that moment nothing else mattered. I felt wanted. I felt loved and it was all because of Noah. A huge relief too as now I knew exactly how he felt and I didn't have to worry about that anymore. 

We pulled apart and looked at each other and laughed. We had both clearly been feeling that way for a while now. Waiting for the other person to say it first. 

"Did you know" he began "Every night before I have gone to bed, I have come to whisper that in your ear" 

Noah smirking. Clearly proud of his accomplishment. I was more annoyed that I was nervous for so long to tell him how I felt, and he felt the same way all along! 

"How long for?" I asked looking up at him 

"Since your birthday" he laughed "I really do love you Princess. You have changed my life for the better" 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and lent in to give him a kiss. Noah was mine. 

How cute! They finally said I love you (when they were both awake!) 

Update coming soon :)

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