Chapter 24

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You only turn 18 once right? My brothers had made every effort to make tonight special for me. All my friends were invited, including a few of theirs. Their was music set up outside by the pool, a bbq in full swing and sun kissed bodies everywhere! 

Ella, Grace and I had spent the last few hours in my room getting ready. I decided on a super cute red dress today at the mall. Matching it with gold earrings and gold heels. Not very practical for a pool party maybe, BUT I wanted to feel special on my birthday. 

"Girl, you look super cute. Noah is not going to be able to keep his eyes off you!" said Ella giving me a best friends approval 

"Will you keep it down" I pushed her playfully on the shoulder "My brothers can't find out yet. You don't understand how much they'd kill me!"

"Talking of your brothers...." Grace started, looking at me from where she sat on my bed "How would you feel if I distracted Jace for you tonight" she then wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me

Grabbing the nearest pillow, I threw it at her. "My brothers are STRICTLY off limits" I said 

"Alright, Alright" she held her hands up in defence "Lets's get this party started!"

We all took some pictures in the mirror and decided to head downstairs, eager to talk to the boys and see what was going on. My brothers promised me a couple of beers tonight to celebrate my birthday, so I was buzzing for that too!


A few hours later the we were all sat down the fire pit playing a game of truth or dare. The night had been fantastic so far. Noah kept stealing glances at me whenever my brothers weren't in sight. We were still being careful in public incase one of our friends saw and mentioned it to them too. My brothers had various female interest from their friends throughout the night, luckily Grace had stayed away. The girls and I had spent the night drinking beers with our feet in the pool and dancing to the one and only Britney Spears whilst Flynn, Joe and Kai gave us approving looks from where they were goofing off in the pool. 

Whilst sipping my beer, I heard Ella say truth or dare to Kai who sat across from her. 

"Truth" he winked "I am not drunk enough to do a stupid dare yet"

"Okay, if you had to sleep with one teacher from school who would it be?" she asked laughing 

"Definitely Miss Wilson, have you seen the pair of tits on her" Kai said, making all the boys laugh

"Grace, Truth or Dare" said Joe 


"I dare you to straw-pedo this whole beer" he said handing over a newly opened bottle 

"That's not a dare" she said laughing back at him "That's like a reward!" Sure enough Grace grabbed a straw and placed it in the beer, drinking the whole thing down without coming up for air. She placed the now empty bottle on her head upside down to prove to the boys she had indeed finished.  Everyone Laughed. 

"Flynn" I began "Truth or Dare"

"Dare" replied Flynn 

"I dare you to kiss whoever you fancy most at this party" Said Ella interrupting me 

"Well that's easy" he said standing up and placing his drink down on the floor "There's one girl I wished would notice me more. And she is sat right here" he said as he looked me in the eyes and walked over.

Flynn pulled me up by the hand and smashed his lips right onto mine. I didn't have much time to think. But I did know that this was the worse kiss I had EVER had. I didn't move. Frozen to the spot not willing myself to reciprocate. I knew Noah was watching. I knew my brothers were watching. Hell I am sure everyone was watching as Kai and Joe clearly found it appropriate to make wolf whistles and suggestive noises. 

Maybe this would be a good thing. It would throw my brothers off and maybe they wouldn't suspect a thing about Noah and I. 

Finally coming to my senses, I pushed Flynn away. Looking over to where my brothers and Noah were sat before I noticed they were no longer there. Instead the only person I could see was Noah. And he was walking over in our direction. His face full of rage and fists clenched. 

Oh shit. 

What will Noah do? Will he hold it together to appear as an overprotective friend OR will he become the jealous boyfriend and beat Flynn to a pulp!

Bad Boy Brothers, little sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang