Chapter 10

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The next morning my mom called. They had just reached Europe, France to be exact. And she was calling to check in.

"I miss you baby girl" she said

"Why did you leave then?" I said sarcastically, still slightly upset that she had left me in the first place

"Have you been good Maya?" She asked

"Of course Mom" though I could feel that changing soon with the recent challenge from my so called brothers best friend and annoying roommate Noah


The day passed by pretty uneventful. I stayed up in my room getting a few more bits ready for school. I started Wednesday and I was totally not prepared.

"Alright sweet cheeks" Noah said walking into my room with neither a knock or warning

Luckily I was dressed but definitely not something I'd want my brothers to see me in. A white sports bra covered my chest matched a tight pair of black cycling shorts.

Noah walked past me and jumped on my bed

"What you doing?" He said picking up various items from my bed and spinning them round his finger.

"Leave me alone dick weed" I said to him

"You know princess. These nick names you are giving me are only a turn on" he said smirking at me "you keep referring to me as a dick, meaning you're thinking about mine"

"Whatever Noah" I said continuing to pack my school bag

"You also have to remember who saved your ass at the party you went too and who bought you and the girls booze the other night" okay, he did have a point. He had been good to me, but that didn't change his level of annoyingness.

A dropped my bag to the floor unintentionally and my secret stash of cigarettes fell out.

"Give us one of them will you princess" I turned around to catch Noah smirking. Knowing if I didn't give him one he'd likely tell my brothers

"Fine but this stays between me and you" I threw one at him along with my lighter and he moved to sit by the window

"Oh believe me when I say your brothers have done a lot worse"

"That's interesting" I replied curiously "Like what?"

"Princess, if you're allowed secrets then they are too. I don't kiss and tell" He said in reply

"You kissed my brother's?" I asked now rather amused

"Hell no" he said taking a drag of the now lit cigarette "but they like a party too you know"

Noah stayed in my room annoying me for a while. We actually got on well even though he tried to wind me up the whole time.


At dinner my brothers mentioned throwing a party here tomorrow night in celebration of me starting school in a few days. I could invite the girls, the guys I met too. But there were some rules of course. Knowing my brothers if I so much as looked at a beer I'd be sent to my room.

Nether the less, I was going to try and have some fun.

I text the girls in our newly made group chat. We'd been messaging non-stop since our girls night, them helping me decide outfit choices for school and tell me what books I needed.

They had both agreed to come and Ella said she was going to text the boys. Grace said her sister had offered to buy us some alcohol for the night. She'd sneak it in, I think we will get away with it. Not that I really cared, but upsetting my brothers already was not something I was keen to do.


That same night I had come down quite late, just after midnight for a glass of milk. I couldn't sleep, the thought of starting a new school suddenly feeling a bit overwhelming.

So much so that I hadn't even had the energy to put up much of a fight with Noah this afternoon. Instead choosing to stay up in my room even longer.

Downstairs was dark and quiet, though the back doors to the outside were opened slightly. Not sure whether to be scared or interested, I decided to push them further open and go and investigate.

There swimming in the pool was a completely naked Noah Finnegan swimming around. His perky backside on full display whilst Noah swam around on his front.

There was a bit of disappointment that Noah didn't have his front package on display. I took a seat on the pool edge, crossing my legs so I didn't disturb the water and give my presence away.

Noah continued swimming round several more times. His tanned bum looking more and more inviting each time. Not to mention his upper body muscles that rather impressively covered every possible square inch.

"You can stop drooling Noah" said Noah, pulling me out of fantasy land and back to the side of the pool

"Babe, I know I'm gorgeous but sitting watching me swim naked is a bit perverted don't you think"

Noah began to walk over to me in the water from where he finished. Although I wanted to look at Noah's package which was now making its way towards me, I managed to avert my eyes. Simply because he was already irresistible, if I saw what he had to offer I may not be able to stop going any further than just teasing him.

He pulled himself out of the pull just as slow and sensually as he ddi the first time I met him. Covering my eyes this time with my hands, I threw the towel that was next to me on the lounger. 

"Afraid of what it might do to you" smirked Noah, in reference to his goods 

Slightly lost for words, I kept my hands over my eyes

"No, its just um, its just its there and umm" I started to stutter, not confident when it came to a mans anatomy 

"Im sure it's a lot bigger than the ones you've seen in the past" he laughed "I am very proud of my man hood" my eyes still covered with my hands, unsure whether he had actually picked up the towel I threw.

Staying quiet, unwilling to let myself look he grabbed my hands in his and pulled them away from my face

"Unless, not so innocent Maya is a virgin after all" he said. Now being able to see my eyes he got the confirmation he needed. My virginity was nothing to hide and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. But now sitting here in front of the most attractive guy I ever met, part of me wishes I had the experience and confidence to let him take me right here and now. 

"Well if I was the guy you chose, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you. Id worship you like you were the only women on the planet and give you the most amazing first time experience"

He pulled me up to kiss my cheek, and then left a wet trail of footprints on the ground as he made his way back into the house. I was relieved to look up from his feet to see the towel now wrapped round his waist, phew. 

Still not knowing where I stood with Noah, I took myself up to bed, now feeling overwhelmed with weariness. Was my gorgeous hunk of a roommate actually interested in me, or was he just saying that to reassure me. Not that it mattered, my brothers wouldn't let anything happen between us, to them I am still a little girl they can lock up and throw away the key. Hopefully I could keep up the good girl act tomorrow I thought, wanting nothing more than a beer and to make out with something right now. 

Bring on the party! 

Naked Noah? Yes please! Next up; Party with the brothers, what could go wrong?

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