Chapter 6

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Picture of Maya's outfit above^

"No. No way. Absolutely not" Seb exclaimed

I'd waited for the boys to get home from their work before I asked them about the party tonight. I didn't care what they said. I was going to the party whether they liked it or not.

"Sebby come on" I said giving him the best puppy eyes I could muster "Think of all those parties you went too when you 17, it's not that big of a deal. I'll be back by 12pm I promise" I continued

Jace and Seb looked at each other unsure of what to say

"Not this time Maya. You don't know anyone, who knows what those people are like" Jace joined in

"This is so unfair. You know what, I'm going to call mom. She may not be in the country but she is still my mom and my guardian. I don't even need your permission if she says yes" I smirked, proud of my determination and willingness to make this work

"Guys I think you should chill out" interupted Noah from where he sat on the sofa in the next room "She is 17, let her make her own decisions. Give her this chance to let her prove to you that she can be trusted. Then you. An decide properly after that"

Wow, this guy was trying to help. The last few days he had made a few advances and sarky comments towards me. Of course making sure my brothers weren't in ear shot.

He winked at me, knowing he was doing me a favour.

"Fine, you can go Seb said" with a sigh, glaring at Noah "BUT, I am walking you there, and one of us will walk you back. NO alcohol and NO boys" he finished

I snorted

"Seb that's so uncool. I'll be known as the loser before I even start at the school"

"Take it or leave it Maya" Jace added

"Fine" I retorted "We will leave after 8" and with that I walked in the direction of my room. Ready to make a scene tonight and show them who the new girl really was.


Walking down the stairs at 8:07, ready to be fashionably late. I was greeted by all 3 boys who were watching an NFL game on the sofa

"Hell No" Jace said after he looked at me

"Absolutely not Maya, go and change" Noah added

"They're my clothes, my body, my rules" I said giving them a spin just to really wind them up. They'd have to drag me kicking and screaming if they wanted me to change

Noah looked at me and nodded in approval. I smirked. I was wearing a black lace romper with my black triangle bikini hiding underneath. It was a little short, but made my legs look long and tanned.

"Oh stop being so dramatic" I continued looking at my brothers disapproving faces "Let's go"

I walked out the door not knowing if anyone was following. A few minutes later I looked behind and Seb was trying to catch up with me whilst glaring at anyone that looked my way.

This was going to be a fun night.


I'd been at the party for almost an hour now. Seb left once he watched me cross the road in the direction of the fire. "Meet us on this corner not one minute later than 12 he shouted across the road" he had said

I had got myself a drink from the make shift table. I was going to be fairly good tonight. I wanted my brothers to trust me in the future so I had to give them what they wanted at least once right? With my beer in hand I went in search of Flynn, only vaguely remembering what he looked like

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