Chapiter 13

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just wanted to say; ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!!

I don't own Boku no hero academia( My hero academia) nor Tokyo Ghoul!


Izuku hold tightly to Katsuki's hand as they ran. Katsuki could feel his heart flutters, he could freshly remember the old day when Izuku would drag him everywhere he went.

But Izuku didn't feel the same thing as he did.

All he wanted was to have a normal hero school life, fulfill his promise, live a successful career for long enough and go to the underworld to live his last 1000 years of living if he could die of old age. But not only someone had grudges against him, but he would go as far as causing problems in the human world to finish their business.

He can't fight if Katsuki is here with him, he'll only be a bother to him.

"What the hell?!" Suddenly yelled Katsuki.

Izuku was pulled out of his thought as he looked behind him.

What the-

He wanted to tell Katsuki to shut the fuck up, but that thought was immediately washed away when he noticed the reporter running toward them like mad dogs.

No, like literally.

They were running a bit too fast for normal reporters.
They looked like more a zombie or some.

"Are they out of their mind?! Why are they running toward us like that." Katsuki yelled.

"Don't look behind and keep running." He looked around and saw a tree not too far. "See that tree? We are going to stay there."

"What? Shouldn't we just go inside?"

Izuku didn't respond. He needed to make sure if they were ok. With that mysterious person out there, those people could be under a spell with that eerie feeling in the air.

When they reached the bottom of the tree, Izuku managed to easily throw Katsuki in the air, surprising him, and join him right after. He almost fell when one of the reporters came crashing into the tree with brutal force.

"Oi! Why do we even come up here?! They are just reporters. Don't tell me you're scared of those?" He questioned, but Izuku was too busy to even pay attention to him.

It was like Izuku had suspected, each and every one of them had a flower mark on the neck or face. From experience, he could easily tell it was from a vampire, again. Probably a leader to be more specific, with a number of humans Under the control of one person, he has to be strong.

He glanced at Bakugo who was trying to prevent the reporter-like zombie from reaching him, he had surely understood the situation they were in right now.

But... They all need to die

The only way to save them was to defeat or kill the vampires who put them in this state. But he can also just kill them, that is the option that won't save them.

It's not like he could actually consider killing them with Katsuki right beside him. So for now he'll just keep them safe.

Izuku slowly took a step back and tapped on his neck, allowing his familiar to appear around his neck.

'You know what you have to do.'

Izuku turned around and grabbed Katsuki's arm before jumping out of the three. "Oi?! Let me down right-" He immediately shut up as he saw a black dome appearing just where they were standing. When it disappeared, nothing remained. Not even the reporters. "What the! Izuku, What the fuck is going on?!"

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