Chapitre 11.5

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just wanted to say; ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!!

I don't own Boku no hero academia( My hero academia) nor Tokyo Ghoul!


Izuku cringed as his sensei erupted into laughter, the sound filling the otherwise quiet room. He wished he could just crawl into a bed and hide. After finally mustering up the courage, he explained what had happened to him two hours prior.

"So, you actually asked him for help?" His sensei repeated, still chuckling at his student's misfortune.

"Can't you please stop laughing?" Izuku pleaded.

"Sorry, it's just too funny," his sensei gasped for air before regaining his composure. "But really, it's not a big deal. A human wouldn't be able to help you anyway. It's even possible that a vampire could have gotten past my gate, but only if they had their own teleporter. And that's a luxury only the vampire leaders have." He offered a cigar to Izuku, who declined, and continued, "In fact, many of them have their own personal teleporters."

Izuku took time to proceed with what he just heard before making a suggestion of his own.

"So it possible that it was a vampire leader who used it or someone just stole it, but if that is the case then how did they do it?"

"We'll you could ask that friends of yours open an investigation. What was his name again?"


"Yes! This guy! He was able to become a vampire leader in less than a month after he arrived in the vampire zone. Moreover, he was able to clear his name after being accused of murder. I'm sure he could help you in one way or another."

"Probably, but now he's super busy with all that going on there. They say someone stole a powerful artifact from the first vampire king and he's still on investigation for that one." Izuku said as he stroke his earring.

"Hm? They still didn't find the person who stole it?"

Izuku nodded.

"I see. Well from now on Izuku I think you'll do some night job for me." He say as he stood up and walked toward the nearby computer.

"Huh? Why?! You told me I wouldn't have to do this anymore!"

"I know but you did say that your system wasn't really responsive anymore. Am I correct?" Izuku nodded slowly. What kind of idea did his sensei have now?

"Well, I think I know why. You were living in the underworld for more than 5 months, which means that your system, during your time there, was programmed to give you quests only in the underworld. It was not like it was really a problem because everything there is powerful. But by coming here the system didn't have enough time to program itself for human strength. So it only gives you a quest here and there hoping that what he gave you actually does the trick!"

Izuku blinked once.

Then twice.

"You make it sound like it has a mind of its own."

"It is possible it really has a mind of its own!!" He replied with excitement.

Izuku looked away with an exasperated look on his face. "You're reading too many novels these days. Anyway, what was the solution you found?"

"Oh yes! Almost forgot about that! Ahem! Multiple gates had started to appear in the forest. I still don't know who would do that but we... no wait let me correct myself. YOU will have to kill them before they enter the city. I already made a small investigation and only creature who can't handle the sun come out of there."

"The point?"

"The point is that those creatures are crazy strong when it's night. I've managed to defeat them for a limit of time but I'm growing ol-"

"No, you're not." Izuku cut him.

"You little brat!" He took a deep breath.
"Anyway, the point is that, if those humans are too weak to fill your need, you can go hunting in the forest in my stead!"

"What happened when the sun touch them?"

"They burn into ashes!"

The green-haired boy thought for a moment."It's a great idea but can't you close it? The gate I mean"

"No, I cannot, if I could I would have done it already. It seems like the portal is protected by a barrier"



"Sure, it's not like there anyone else out there who could be able to defeat them anyway." Izuku sigh.

That night Izuku could still feel the phantom sensation of those eyes piercing his body.


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