Chapter 12

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just wanted to say; ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!!

I don't own Boku no hero academia( My hero academia) or Tokyo Ghoul!


"I saw Izuku at school today." Said Katsuki.



He probably should have said nothing. He already knew that his parents were worried sick for Izuku since the death of aunt Inko.

When they heard the news, Izuku had already disappeared without a trace. But he never thought anything of it because he thought Izuku was just trying to get attention.

But on the day of Inko's funeral, Izuku was nowhere to be seen. It was only a week later that the police informed them that Izuku was taken into another family. But when they ask if they could get in contact with them, the police immediately said that the person in charge was leaving overseas and didn't want anything to do with them.

The worst in this is that they didn't even find the culprit of the murder yet.

"Tell me! Does he look in good shape? I hope he's been eating enough!"

Katsuki nodded avoiding his parents' eyes. In fact, Izuku didn't look that good. He didn't grow much since the last time he saw him, but he definitely looked thinner and more pale. Almost as if he was sick. Even at the entrance exam, to think he was able to gain such a monstrous power in a short amount of time and with such a small body was starting to worry him.

Izuku didn't eat at school, nor does he move much.
When he couldn't find him in the cafeteria, he went to search for him only to find him sleeping soundly under a tree.

And let's not forget about those bell earrings Izuku started to wear?!

But the worst was his hair, when they were younger he knew that Izuku didn't like the thought of having long hair but now his hair are reaching his shoulder and they were almost hiding his eyes.

Katsuki closed his eyes for a second.


"You didn't answer my question yet brat!"

"Can you help me make two bentos tomorrow?"

His father's fork dropped on the floor.


The next day

"We need to pick a class president."

Those words left Izuku's ear as fast as they came.

The monsters who were lurking in the forest were wilder than he thought they would be. At first, it was easy killing them one by one, but the closer he went to the source, the more they were and the wilder they became.

His wound had already healed, but the feeling of their teeth sinking into his body was still fresh in his mind. It was worst when the journalist was pushing him around to make him answer their question.

But then his mind drift to the conversation he had with his sensei before going to school.

"Think about reconciling with that childhood friend of yours. If she's really out there to kill you she will target people who hold grudges against you."

Izuku glanced at Katsuki's back before his head drop on the desk again.

'Seriously... We just need to talk things out. We don't need to befriend nor pretend to be.'

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