Chapiter 8

411 24 2

just wanted to say; ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!!

I don't own Boku no hero academia( My hero academia) nor Tokyo Ghoul!


Updating his strength every month wasn't something difficult for Midoriya. It was his sensei who had told him to do it.

Well he used to.

With time his habit of writing everything down disappeared because his system evolved, it could take more information and memorized it.

But eventually as the years went by, he also stopped using the system all together.

After living almost 8 years in the underworld, that is equivalent to almost 8 month on earth, by the fifth years, he slowly came to stop using it because he didn't really need it anymore. And because he didn't need it there that also mean he didn't need it here either.

Even if some quest comes to him time to time he didn't really mind them.

But now he didn't need that, as long he was able to level up. If Midoryia was way strong that his opponent, the system wouldn't give him any point. That why his sensei decide to go to the underworld, where most of the stronger creatures lived.

Some of them sometimes go to the human world to do some mission, like the vampire to take some blood.

Back then he could fight at full strength because he knew that every one had almost the same level of power.

But he knew that coming here again would have some drawbacks. Hiding his full power wasn't choice either, that why he was wearing these bells earrings.

It was somethings designed by his sensei to prevent him from going crazy or go beyond his limit. But it also decrease his full power by 90%.

Doing the test in class wasn't much of a deal. But now that he was in the average, there  high possibility that he would be expelled.


What a pain...

Now Izuku needed to do his best with what he had. But in the same time he didn't really think that he would be the one being expelled, but a certain purple haired guy.

The 50-meter dash was one of the easiest, but he didn't have the result he want and being blown away by Katsuki didn't help. With a score of 5 s 17 he was sure that if that old Man from the forest learned about that score and came back to life, he would be dead by now.

Whit the grip strength test it was ok with 80 kgw and that also goes to all the others.

So far everything was going ok, even if he didn't gave his all. He didn't break any sweat yet, the earring could decrease his power, however it couldn't decrease his stamina.


The quirk of his classmate were all different to one an other, not like in the underworld. In the underworld not all power were different in a way, but they had the same constitution. Like the vampire for example, all there power were based on blood.

So they could do almost anything like blood whip, blood explosion, blood needle and some many other thing.

Izuku could also do it but not in the same way. Vampire pure blood could use their blood directly, but Izuku needed to make his snake drink his blood. Because his familiar could only change its shape by using blood. But with all the training he had, then manage to creat a bloody weapon and they had passed the fifth phase, so they now shared the same mind.

But even so, he could do many other thing with it because he was some kind of anomaly. He became some sort of Demi-vampire and Demi-ghoul, however he was kind of glad he was like that because is healing ability were more efficient.

"Ok, Midoryia it's your turn." Aizawa said. 'Just what is he doing? He didn't show his quirk yet. It maybe logic with a destructive quirk like his. But, what he did at the entrance exam as no connection with the quirk he mention to me. Did he lie?' Aizawa Thought.

'Ok! Everything is going to be fine! With this body I could possibly do 50 or 60 meter' tough Midoryia making his way to the circle. 'All my score are higher than average so there no way I'm in last place in the classement.'

However, even if he couldn't be in last place he really wanted to beat Bakugo and his ego. But it needed to wait for now... He had all the time in the world.

But at the moment he was going to throw the ball grey tendrils shot out, wrapping around his sides and to keep him from moving. Izuku barely had time to react as he yelped out in surprise. Those red eyes were intense. His class made mumblings of surprise too.

"Is that really all you can do? You were the number one in the classement and you're not even trying right now. So for this one I want you to use your quirk." Aizawa said

"He was the one who made top score?!"

"He didn't use his quirk yet?"

"I wonder what his quirk is?"

Izuku knew that it would come to this, but from his teacher? Not really. He tough that it would be one of his classmate who would be asking to to much question or even blow up his cover. But it had to be the teacher, never in his entire life he got teacher's attention to help him. So in the end, he just stop and work himself out of trouble.

"There no point to know what his quirk is teach!" Bakugo said in a growl.

"And... why so ?"

"Because his juste a useless nerd!"



So Bakugo didn't change a bit.

In fact Bakugo didn't really meant the last word, but it was like automatic? Always referring Izuku as a nerd or a Deku. However, even if he felt guilty, he didn't want to look weak because of it.

Aizawa turning his gaze back to Izuku with a questioning gaze.

"... No, I do have a quirk but I can't use it here."

"And what your quirk?"

"It's called dimensions storage and the only thing he can do it keep stuff in it"

Aizawa, however, didn't let go of him just yet. He just kept on looking at him in the eye looking thoughtful before nodding and letting him go. 'That must be true. Maybe he didn't really know how his quirk worked when he told me? I can understand, the way something can disappear only by the touch of finger tips can lead to many conclusions.'

In the end Izuku made 74 meters, more that he though he would have but he was happy with it.


◕◡◕ thanks for reading!!!!

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