7 !

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I just nod and think about how stupid I must look with tears streaming down my face. Dom captures my lips with his, pushing me so I'm standing against the bed. Towel long forgotten. No matter how needy I feel I refuse to beg and I refuse to cave. Dom's tongue swipes against my bottom lip. I refuse to grant access. Our tongues battle for a few minutes before Dom pulls away.
"Open up," He growls, causing me to smirk. He growls again, the sound going straight to my member. Not pleased with my disobedience he reaches back and smacks my ass. Which on a normal occasion yes would be pleasurable, but with the plug in, it sends pleasure coursing through my whole body ripping a loud moan from my lips. Dom pulls away, smirking in realization. His hands roam until he grabs the plug and slowly pulls it out, not quite all the way, before pushing it back in slowly. He starts slow fucking me with the plug as I let his tongue dominate my mouth. He keeps going, ignoring my loud screams and pleas.
"Next time just open up," He tells me with a smirk. I just moan in reply, unable to form words. Dom finally pulls the plug out and pushes me so I'm laying on my back on the bed. Not needing to prep me, I feel him plunge himself in. He fucks me at an insane rate and I just lay helpless moaning like a whore. Eventually we both finish, me on our stomachs and Dom in me, before sliding the plug back in. I scoot up the bed so my head can rest on the pillow as Dom goes to the bathroom and returns with a towel. He slowly and carefully wipes me down before cleaning himself. He then slides into bed, wrapping his arms around me.
"Do you think we have to much sex?" I ask. Dom chuckles.
"Of course not baby. Your in heat. I'm sure your libido will slow down," He says soothingly. I nod.
"How long will it last?"
"Only about a week," He answers.
We spend the rest of the day just laying together talking.


I look over at Dom and see him finally sleeping. The only good thing that came out of that treacherous dinner was everyone realized we needed to be left alone during my heat. So for the last almost week we spent every moment in our room, fucking like bunnies. Only stopping to shower occasionally and eat. If I thought the first day of my heat was bad, boy was I wrong. Each day got worse and worse until I found myself jumping Dom in his sleep. But he's been the best, never complaining or teasing me. He must realize how embarrassed I am of my actions. Dom hasn't been getting much sleep, tending to my every need. After almost every round I'd fall asleep covered in our fluids, and wake up clean and covered up.
"Hey baby, what're you thinking so hard about?" I almost jump not noticing him wake up.
"Do you think Eli and Peter have managed the pack?"
"Oh I forgot to tell you. Around four days ago my dad let me know that Peter was in his heat, so he and your dad were taking care of the packs," He explains to me.
"Oh poor Peter. He's so sweet and Eli's so not. Peter was so innocent and I bet Eli's already corrupted him."
"I'm sure he'll manage," Dom tells me.
"We should probably get up and relieve our dads of their duties and let the pack know we're back." I nod at him as he stands up, letting the blanket fall, revealing his naked self. I quickly look away knowing we don't have time.
"Want to shower with me?" He asks pulling me from my dirty thoughts.
"Dom we don't have time to mess around," I warn.
"I promise I wont try anything," He says putting his hands up in surrender.
"Fine," I cave. I follow Dom into the bathroom, both of us already naked. We slip in one after the other. I let the water cascade over me, as I turn my back to Dom. I step out of the water and feel hands softly massage my scalp. Dom finishes washing my hair and body, so I quickly do the same to him, eager to get out of the now cold shower. I wrap the warm towel around myself and walk out to our closet. We both get dressed in silence. I follow Dom downstairs and see some pack members hanging out in the living room and kitchen. We walk pass them, nodding at their hellos. I watch as Dom leads me into an office room I recognize from meetings. I sit on the familiar couch I slept on a few days ago.
"Should we call a meeting?" Dom asks.
"Probably." He nods and opens the pack link and lets everyone know about the pack meeting.
"Wait did that go to everybody?" I ask.
"Yeah, when we mated our packs officially combined. So were no longer the alphas of two packs. We're the alphas of one pack," He tells me with a smile. I quickly return it pulling up a chair to his desk.
"Give me work so I don't feel useless." Dom slides his personal laptop to me and forwards me emails I need to go through and reply. We spend the next few hours before the meeting doing our work, asking each other questions every once in a while.
"So you said your pack house will be our main house, but have our scouts claimed no mans land?"
"Yes, I got a message from Jake that they have claimed it."
"I don't like this. Everyone only telling you stuff and leaving you messages. I'm an alpha too."
"Well they knew you were in heat, so they didn't want to bother you," He tells me, but he couldn't have said anything worse.
"What?!?" I yell angry.
"They know I was in heat? They probably see me as some submissive bitch."
"Kyler you know that's not true," He assures me.
"What ever. The meeting is in 15 minutes, lets go," I respond. We both shut our laptops and stand up.
"I want a desk in here," I tell Dom as we walk out.
"Okay, I'll have Eli order one."
"What about Peter?"
"Well since Peters a beta his heat should be ending today as well. Who knows they might even make it to the meeting." I don't respond, just follow him through the house as he leads us out back to yard. Since there's thousands of members we can't all fit in any meeting rooms.
'Thank you all for coming,' I hear Dom say through the link.
'We called this meeting to update everyone. Our pack is officially united and we have claimed no mans land.'
'We have talked and come to plans with all the leaders of each department. For the most part everything will just be combined and doubled,' I tell everyone.
'If you have any questions, you can find Me, Dom, Peter, Eli, or you leader. Between all of us we should be able to figure something out," I add, concluding the meeting. I hear a bunch of responses through the link. I nod, and walk back into the house as everyone disperses.  We walk back to our room and Dom sits on the bed. I walk over and attach my lips to his. Dom pushes against me, palming me through my pants. I feel myself get hard and start grinding into him. Right as I'm about to release he stops.
"What was that for?" I ask almost crying.
"Fun." I just roll my eyes and walk out of the room angry. Not being able to come to terms with how much control he has over me, I feel my breathe quicken. I find my way to his office. Needing to destroy something of his, I angrily stalk over to the wall where I see a picture of him. I get angrier when I see his stupid face. I drive my fist into the wall as hard as I can, causing the picture to come toppling down with a crash, revealing a hole in the wall. Abandoning the hole I created I walk over to the hole cut in the wall. I see a box. Being the nosey person I am, I pick it up and open it. I see a diary, I open the cover and sift through the pages, reading the heartbreaking entries.
'I watched as he ran towards the rouges with no hesitation. I yelled for her, but Delilah has always been protective. I watch as she begins to fight the rogues, eventually out numbered they tear into he-'
"What are you doing?" I hear Dom growl angrily.
"I'm so sorry. I saw it and was curious," I try to reason. Dom's eyes remain stone cold black. I watch as walks towards me. The mating bond and Jacob wanting me to submit at the killer glare.
"Here I was about to apologize and you do the most despicable thing. Invade my privacy." I open my mouth to apologize but Dom just walks out angry. I follow him, all the way to our room. I squint my eyes in confusion as he grabs a bag and starts filling it with clothes.
"Where are you going?" I ask completely confused.
"All I did was read your diary about some stupid girl," I say angrily at him ignoring me.
"She was not stupid," He yells as he pins me against the wall. I feel myself slightly shake in fear, something I've never done. The look on his face was the scariest thing I've ever seen. He lets me go and I see hand marks on my arms from his grip. He grabs the back and starts walking towards the apartment door.
"Woah wait Dom, come on your not seriously leaving," I say getting scared as tears well up in my eyes.
"I can't even be around you right now," Is all I hear before the apartment door slams shut in my face. I stand froze with my mouth opened slightly in surprise. I feel the tears come streaming down my face as I let out a loud sob as I fall to the ground. I spend the next few hours on the ground just sobbing at the breaking of my heart. My head snaps when I hear knocking at the door, only inches in front of me.
"Go away," I growl out with a shaky voice.
"Kyler?" I hear Peter ask.
"Kyler?" He asks again. I hear beeping then the door opens, revealing Eli and Peter.
"Oh my god Kyler. What's wrong?" Peter asks, falling to the ground to hug me. I stay frozen as he just wraps his arms around me.
"Do you want me to get Dom?" Eli asks, causing me to sob even harder. Even just hearing his name makes my whole body hurt. He
"He's not responding to my link," I hear Eli whisper to Peter. Peter and nods then stands up, ordering Eli to pull me up. I find myself walking to the bed. I sit down and face Eli and Peter who stand behind me.
"What's going on?" Peter asks with a soft voice.
"I don't even know. It all happened so fast," I tell my childhood best friend.
"I was mad at Dom so I punched a hole in the wall in his office, then a picture fell of the wall and there was a book. So I grabbed the book and read a few pages because i didn't know what it was. Something about some girl named Delilah. Then Dom came in and got crazy mad, saying he can't be around me. So he packed a bag and left. I've been trying to link him, but he closed it off," I sniffle after my sobs quit down.
"Oh no. You brought up Delilah?" Eli asks with wide eyes.

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