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I blink as I see someone tapping my arm that's wrapped protectively around Kyler. I open my eyes all the way and see a little girl with beautiful blonde hair tapping me again. I sit up making sure the blanket covers my lap.

"How about you wait outside," I suggest. She nods and walks out before shutting the door. I slowly get out of bed not wanting to wake up Kyler. I look around the room trying to find something wear, when my eyes land on a pile of folded clothes on his desk. Someone must've returned my clothes after they were washed. I quickly put them on and open the door.

"And who would you be?" I ask the girl once I shut the bedroom door behind us.

"Colbie," She says excitedly as she grabs my hand. She drags me to the kitchen I went in last night.

"I want food," She tells me. I nod at her, not really liking children. It's not that I despite them, I'm just not good with them.

"Toast?" I offer.

"No," She tells me with a pout.

"Hashbrowns?" I offer after checking the freezer.

"Yeah, hash," She says excitedly. I take the bag of hashbrowns and preheat the oven. I find a pan and quickly pour the hashbrowns onto it, before sticking it in the oven. I look over and see Colbie patently waiting on a stool. We sit for 20 minutes while we wait. I hear the oven ding and I take out the golden hashbrowns and place them on the two plates I had laid out. We both start eating in silence when I see Kyler walk out of the hall.

"Good morning," He says.

"I see you've met Colbie," He adds with a smile.

"Sure did, at the ass crack of dawn," I say with a fake smile that Kyler quickly picks up on.

"I'm sorry Dom," He tells me as he hugs me tight. I just chuckle.

"It's all right, just kind of freaked me out when she was in our room."

"She was in our room?" He asks shocked and amused. I roll my eyes and hug him back. He follows me back to he table after we both grab forks.

"What do you think your doing?" I ask as he tries to eat my hashbrowns. His face falls as I go back to eating.

"Meanie made Ky cry," Colbie shouts, pointing at me. I look over and see Kyler's eyes watering.

"I'm sorry baby. You can have mine," I tell him hesitantly as I push it his way, immediately feeling confused and like shit.

"No it's fine, I don't even know why I'm crying. Like I said I never cry."

"It's normal. I remember being taught about newly mated wolfs being clingy, possessive, and just all around emotional." With that, I rub his hand with my thumb. After he relaxes, I slide my plate over to him.
"Are you sure?" He asks, feeling bad.
"For sure," I tell him before standing up and kissing his head. I walk back to his room and walk straight to his bathroom

Kyler's Point of view

I wake up to an empty bed and immediately freak out. I slip into a pair of sweats and open my bedroom door.As I search the living room, i let out a groan. Mixed with frustration and pain. My hip and lower back still hurt although I would never tell Dom. I'm not some fragile wimp. I keep looking for him, pushing the pain away. I finally find him in the kitchen with Colbie, pulling food out of the oven. I watch as he makes two plates of hashbrowns and sets one at Colbie's seat and one in front of himself. We exchange some small talk as I grab a fork and sit down beside him. Right as I go to poke my fork in his hashbrowns Dom stops me.
"What do you think you're doing?" Suddenly embarrassed, i set my fork down and turn away from him. Unfortunately this gives Colbie a full view of my face.
"Meanie made Ky cry," She screams angrily. I see Dom's head snap up confused as i aggressively wipe my eyes, now even more embarrassed. Dom apologizes and offers me the hashbrowns, but i decline not wanting them due to embarrassment. we sit for a few moment in silence. Colbie is long gone with her food, probably to snitch on Dom to my parents.
"You sure?" I ask as he slides them over, breaking me from my thoughts.
"For sure," He tells me before randomly getting up and walking away. I continue eating.It's almost like I can feel my emotions inside going back and forth. Dom must think I'm too much or something. I know this is all happening so fast. Deciding to slow things down, I throw away my plate and walk into my bedroom. I hear the shower on, so I just lay back down in bed. I pull the comforter over my head and take comfort in the familiarity of it all. Before I know it, I give in to sleep.

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