Wedding bells

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Dior Saudiah Brewster

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I quickly patted my face while looking down at my phone re-reading the message Baby had sent me

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Wiping the tears from my eyes, I quickly patted my face while looking down at my phone re-reading the message Baby had sent me.

I ain't gon lie. You're selfish ass bitch. I told you leave me alone. I'm not in the head space to be round you yet you tryna act like shit sweet. You don't want to tell ya people cool. But I can't just get over it and pretend like you ain't do no foul shit. Once this little weekend done, I ain't going back to Atlanta with you. I'm cool off you forreal.

I know he was speaking off of emotion but that shit hurt.

"Dior, you read- bitch are you crying? What's wrong?" India asked while coming over to me sitting down on the bed. Shaking my head I looked up at the ceiling fanning my eyes trying to prevent tears from falling.

"Nothing, it's just happy tears. My brother and best friend about to tie the knot." I half lied. I mean I was happy they was getting married but what I was crying about was much deeper.

"Awee, I was crying earlier too. I never thought this day would ever come. Like I'm really about to be a wife and mom of two." India vented as I smiled feeling the tears come down.

"Like being a mom really makes me happy D. All the shit me and Easton went through, and to know we're going to be able to do it the right way with this baby. Married, in our house. Here comes the tears." She said tossing her head back.

"Stop! You're going to mess up your makeup." I said as she nodded her head.

"This baby also making me sensitive as fuck." She said sniffling causing the both of us to laugh.

"I can't wait for you and Baby to give me a little niece or nephew." She said as I just nodded my head.

"I don't know about that." I said as she just looked at me.

"You don't want kids?" She asked sounding shocked.

"I didn't say that. Of course I want kids. But like you, I want the ring, the big house. I'm too young for kids. I'm still a child. Let's face it you're way more mature then me. I can barely take care of myself. I make the stupidest decisions." I vented as India just looked at me.

"Dior what, stop. Why are you talking down on yourself?" She asked as I just shook my head.

"I'm just speaking whatever one thinks." I said feeling the tears come down.

"Dior-" she said as I waved my hand.

"Stop this day is about you and Easton. We're not talking about me." I told her as she just gave me a look.

"I'm fine." I told her as she looked at me. Before she could say anything the door had just open and in came Gia.

"Bitches I am the fuck drunk." She shouted while holding a glass.

"Off of Mimosas?" I asked as India started laughing. "Yes this shit the fuck good." She said coming further in the room sitting down on the couch.

"Whoever made these shits put the whole fucking foot in it." She said taking another sip of her drink.

"Gia, imma need you to slow down on the drinks. You not gonna be able to walk in the wedding." India said as Gia sucked her teeth.

"Girl I'm fine! See." She said standing up pretending to walk down the aisle causing us to laugh.

"Wow! Where's my nephew?" I asked as she sucked her teeth and sat back down on the chair.

"With his ugly ass daddy." She said causing both me and India to roll our eyes. "Now my brother ugly." I teased as she sucked his teeth.

"Ugly niggas need love too." She said causing us to laugh.

"Your annoying." I told her as she shrugged her shoulders.


"India, I knew from the moment you came into my mamas house with them missing teeth that you was gonna be my wife." Easton said causing everyone one in the audience to laugh.

"I even told my mama, and she would say boy please. That girl do not want your lil ass. Now look at us ma. Two kids in." He said cheesing.

"No but seriously. India, the mother of my children, my best friend, ace boon. The love of my life. Niggas think I'm crazy to want to settle down so young. But if you ask me I'm the luckiest man in the world. To have a relationship where you could be yourself is rare. To find love is rare. To find someone who cares not just about you but for my family is rare. I will forever be thankful you came into my life. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for being you, for caring for me, our daughter. I promise to be by your side for better or worse. I'm not even good with this whole public speaking shit. So i know I'm just rambling but there's so many things I want to say and aim tryna put 'em in words. But to some it up. I love you. And thank you for committing and being my wife." He finished off as he wiped the tears that fell down her face.

India had already said her vows and the two had already exchanged weddings rings.

"I know pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Brewster. You may kiss your bride." The Pastor said as the to engulfed in a kiss and everyone started shouting as the two walked down the aisle.

Taking a deep breath it was me and Baby's turn to walk down the aisle. Looking up he wasn't even looking my way, didn't even wait for me. He had started walking ahead of me. Trying my best to keep a smile on my face I followed behind him.

"Dominique!" I shouted using his government name as I followed behind him. Of course he ignored me.

Sighing I continued to follow him to the room we were suppose to be sharing.

"I know you hear me talking to you." I said as he opened the door. Entering the room he continued to ignore me.

"I said I was sorry! How long you going to be mad?" I asked teaching for him but he immediately pulled back turning around.

"Dior please leave me alone." He said as I just looked at him feeling the tears come down.

"Talk to me. Please." I pleaded as he snatched off the bow tie he was wear.

"Ain't shit to say." He said while unbuttoning the white shirt he had on.

"Please, talk to me." I said as he looked at me.

"It's funny now you wanna talk. But guess what. I don't want to talk to you. I'm done with you. Yo ass should have talked before. But no instead you went and killed my fucking seed. I ain't got shit to say to you. Leave me the fuck alone forreal." He shouted before walking out the room leaving me in tears.

The fact that he was yelling really made things worst. I had never had him yell especially at me before. I knew i fucked up but damn.


I know it's been a while. But chileeeeeee Dior got some explaining tooooo dooo!  We gon get into that teaaa real soon. 🥴🥴🥴 Anyways, India and Easton finally married! 💗💗💗💗 the updates for this book will be coming more frequently! I missed Dior and Giaaaaaaa.

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