Rainy days

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Gia Amour Brewster

"You good?" Simone asked as we sat down at the booth

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"You good?" Simone asked as we sat down at the booth. We were currently on a double with Dahmel and his friend whom Simone's been dating.

"I'm tired." I said fake yawning. Truth be told, I was over this Dahmel nigga. He was cool as fuck but he wasn't my baby daddy. It has been damn near a whole month of me trying to move on but I failed miserably.

One I wasn't having sex with this nigga so when I was horny I was calling Booby ugly ass. And the major factor my heart wasn't here. I'm in love with Booby there's no denying that. He gave my my son how could I not love him?

Thank god this nigga was going back to New York. I was tired of him and these bum ass double dates.

"We going to do another game, you coming?" Dah asked as I shook my head. "I'll wait right here." I told him as he nodded his head and walked towards the bowling lane.

Finally some peace and quiet, that nigga was too damn lovey dovey. Like it would be cute if my feelings where the same. Instead it came off as annoying.

Scrolling through my phone BabyDaddy 🥴🐐💗 popped on the screen. Pressing the green button I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello." I said waiting for him to speak. Only reason I did answer was because he had Essex.

"Yo, I need you to come to Northside hospital." He said and the call ended. What the fuck. I said quickly getting up.

"I-I I gotta go." I said more so to Simone who just looked at me.

"You okay? What happened?" She asked as I shook my head no.

"Booby just told me come to the hospital and hung up. I gotta go." I said rushing out the bowling alley getting into my car. I don't know what happened but I hope my baby was okay.


Grabbing my red birkin bag I quickly got out the car locking the door. It had took me about 15 minutes to get here. Walking to where Booby told me to go I was relieved when I saw my baby running around.

"Mommy!" He said running towards me as I bent down giving him a hug. "Why you crying?" He asked putting his little hands on my face. I didn't even know I had tears falling.

"I thought something happen to you baby." I said kissing his face picking him up walking inside the waiting room I noticed that these where people I did not know.

"Where's Booby?" I asked some girl who was grilling me as if I killed her dog or some shit. Now that I knew my baby was safe I was ready to curse Booby ass out. Why would he have me worried like that and why he had my baby with random people?

"Minding his business you got yo kid, you can go." The girl said giving me a little too much attitude considering I didn't know the bitch.

Before I could say anything I heard my name being called causing me to turn around.

"Gia?" She said again as I just stood there shocked.

"Rain?" I whispered as she stood there in bright blue scrubs smiling nodding her head.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you." She said pulling me into a hug as I just stood there. I couldn't believe after all these years her my best friend was standing in front of me.

I honestly thought something bad happened to her because of me. Last time I saw her she told me she was pregnant and Black was beating on her and I still let her leave with that nigga. I felt like I failed my friend. I ain't even know she was in that deep with that nigga.

"Bitch why you crying? Come let's sit." She said as I followed her still holding Essex in my arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a cry baby these days. I'm just happy to see your alive, okay doing well!" I said as she smiled and nodded her head. I had so many questions going through my head.

"Yea, I'm very much alive. My baby is too." She said pulling out her phone showing me a video.

"Oh my gosh! She's adorable!" I said looking at the video

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"Oh my gosh! She's adorable!" I said looking at the video. She had Rain's whole face.

"Willow Amour Johnson." She said causing me to look at her.

"You named her after me?" I asked shocked as she nodded her head. Her a voice clear I looked up and saw Booby and could tell something was wrong.

"We have to catch up, what's your number? Put it in my phone." I said giving Rain my phone as she quickly put her number in after giving each other hugs she went her way.

"Who was that?" Booby asked as he took Essex from me kissing his forehead.

"That was Rain." I said as he looked at me.

"Your old friend?" He asked as I nodded my head. I was definitely excited to know Rain was here doing well but my main concern was Booby.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I asked as he licked his. Holding his head up. It looked like he wanted to cry and that alone made me feel some type of way.

"She um, she- Brandi lost the baby." He said finally looking at me.

"My fucking daughter G." He said looking at me as the tears started to fall. My heart broke right there. I may not have been happy with him cheating and having a baby but I never wished death on the baby.

"I'm so sorry." I said pulling him into a hug. I ain't know what to say. Losing a child was something different, especially an innocent baby.

"I had to watch her push out a dead baby. The fuck did my baby do to anyone?" He asked as I grabbed his hand pulling him to the corner. He was starting to get loud and I didn't want everyone in his business.

I honestly ain't know what to say. Or how to calm him down. The only person who was feeling the same emotions as him was Brandi and as much as I was gon regret what I was about to say it was the right thing to do.

"I think you should go be with Brandi." I told him as he just looked at me and shook his head grabbing my hand.

"I want to be with you and our son." He said kissing my hand as I just nodded my head. "I'm sorry Gia, this what I get for fucking around on you." He said leaning in wrapping his arm around my stomach.

It hurt me to see him this vulnerable. He did his dirt but he ain't deserve this.


Booby 😢 I'm sorry but that had to happen! But ya happy with Rain coming back? Will be getting into her story real soon, find out what happened to her bitch ass baby daddy.  Anyways


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