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Gia Amour Brewster

 Gia Amour Brewster

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"Go Essex, Go Go." I said hyping him up as he danced to Gyalis.

"Boy got your rhythm." I said to Booby as he recorded Essex move. My poor baby danced like a while person.

"Ya papa." He cheered him on as I laughed at how cute he looked. Feeling my phone vibrate I looked down at and Lacey was calling me.

"Hey boo." I answered smiling at the camera but quickly frowned when I noticed Lacey was crying. The music was no longer playing being as I was playing it off my phone.

"He's fucking your Aunt! Please tell me you didn't know Gia! That's foul as fuck!" She cried as I looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about? Calm down." I said as she tried to stop crying.

"Skai called and told me he left with Londyn last night." She cried as I looked over at Booby who was paying me no mind. "I don't know what your talking about. She knows that's your man. She just left her dude." I said as Lacey continued to cry.

"Come on we know she hops from one dick to the next." Lacey shouted causing me to frown and arch my eyebrows.

"Alright I know your emotions are running high. But that's my Aunt. You going off some shit someone else said. Let me find out what really happened. You need to go do something and stop stressing over this nigga." I said as she took a deep breath.

"Just let me know what you find out." She said hanging up on me.

"My aunt left with Marley last night?" I asked causing Booby to look at me as Essex ran to his little trampoline.

"Yea him and Baby got into it. Marley was drunk as fuck talking out his ass. She took him home." Booby said shrugging his shoulders as I took a deep breath.

"Are they fucking?" I asked as Booby looked at me.

"I don't know. That ain't yours or my business." He said as I sighed. It wasn't my business but Lacey was damn sure going to make it my business.


"You fuck is your cousin sending me this shit for?" Booby asked showing me his phone and it was a message from Skai in his dms commenting on the picture he posted his insta story.

"You fuck is your cousin sending me this shit for?" Booby asked showing me his phone and it was a message from Skai in his dms commenting on the picture he posted his insta story

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StyledByS swear Gia don't deserve your fine ass 😍😍🥴

"This pose to be a joke?" I asked turning my head looking at him as he tried to take the phone from me but I pulled back and scrolled up noticing she always sending fucking heat eyes or messaging him. "Why the fuck you just saying something? You fucking her." I asked as he sucked his teeth snatching the phone.

"Why the fuck would I ever touch that. Everyone done had that? Stop playing with me." He said snatching the phone as if I offended him. "Fuck you shaking for?" He asked. I wasn't even aware I was shaking that's how pissed I was.

That shit that happened when we were in high school was a misunderstanding. But this no. I have a whole baby with the nigga. The bitch knew what she was doing. "Yo chill. I would never you ain't gotta worry." He said but I shook my head. That was some snake as shit. I trusted this bitch and she gon try some slick shit like that. It was disrespectful as fuck.

"I don't deserve you. Who the fuck does then? Damn sure ain't her. Imma beat the fuck out her." I said as Booby sighed causing me to look at him.

"You sucking your teeth. Let that be one of your niggas in my dm saying some shit like that." I said as he looked at me.

"That won't happen. Niggas know not to play with mine." He said as I rolled my eyes and started pacing back and fourth.

"Don't do anything you gon regret." He said as I flicked him off. It was too late for that. Skai was dead to me. Whenever I saw the bitch best believe she was getting another ass whooping.

"You still going to ya Aunt's house?" He asked as I nodded my head. I had completely forgot I was going over there to check on her since she ain't answer me this morning. I ain't really want to go over there because apart of me knew there was a possibility Marley was there and they are messing around with each other. I'd be putting myself in a situation I did want to be in.

Lacey is my best friend and Londyn is my Aunt, blood aunt. Right or wrong I wasn't gon let Lacey come at her crazy and vise verse.

Feeling Booby pull on my arm forcing me to come in his direction. "The baby sleeping." He said pointing to Essex who was laid out in the middle of the bed.

"When I come back you better be naked bent over." He said squeezing my neck while planting a kiss on my lip. Nodding my head he let me go and picked Essex up and walked out our room.


"Shit!" I moaned loudly as Zach continue stroking in and out of my now sore vagina. We had been going at it four hours. "I'm gonna cum!" I yelled for the fourth time.

"Do ya thing." He groaned as I felt his hands leave my hips. Bending down more spreading my legs, I looked back and started slowly throwing my ass back. "Cum for me daddy."' I moaned feeling him slap my ass as I tighten my walls up earning a loud groans for him.

"Shit." He moaned placing his hands on my back side as I felt him release in me. "I love you." He moaned while kissing and sucking on my neck.

"Love you too." I said as he slapped my ass causing me to jump and turn over so he was now hovering over me. "Stop playing with me." He said causing me to smirk and laugh.

" I love you too." I said pulling on his chains giving him a kiss. Zach was big on the word I. He felt it had more meaning when you added it instead of just saying Love You.

"I gotta start getting ready." He said standing up as I pouted. "You don't have to go. Let Marley run shit." I said as he shook his head. I lowkey hated he ran a strip club cause he had to be there at least four nights out of the week. I wanted to fall asleep hugged up on my man but that wouldn't be happening tonight.

"Come with me." He said as I shook my head. "Nobody to watch him." I said as he sucked his teeth. "You know my mom here right? Essex does have another grandmother." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Go take your shower." I said not wanting to have this conversation with him. I had no problem with his mother personally. She is a nice women. But I did not like the company she allowed in her house. Brandi was welcome there whenever she felt like it because she had that type of relationship with Wanda, Zach's mom. I wasn't about to tell a grown ass women who she can and can't have in her house so to avoid drama I didn't allow my son there when I wasn't.

Getting up walking to the bathroom I went and peed.

"I got a little bitch from the hood I call her gang." Booby rapped in the shower causing me to roll my eyes. Getting up flushing the toilet, I washed my hands and got in the bed. A bitch was tired all that dick I just took.




Poor Lacey, Gia told her leave him.

Oh and ya ready to meet Ms.Wanda?


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